Border management dispels rumours claiming that there are flight delays at OR Tambo Airport

The Border Management Authority (BMA) has dismissed reports claiming that a transition to a biometric system at OR Tambo International Airport is causing delays for all international departures and arrivals.

Commissioner at BMA, Dr Michael Masiapato said the false reports have caused unnecessary concern among travellers and stakeholders.

“The current processing systems at BMA immigration services is fully operational and designed to handle the high volume of traffic efficiently. There are no systems challenges at OR Tambo International Airport or any of our ports contrary to the claims made in the public domain.

“Our records indicate that average processing times at OR Tambo International Airport remain within acceptable international standards. We continuously monitor and analyse processing times to identify and address any potential bottlenecks,” Masiapato said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Communication and Marketing, Mmemme Mogotsi, said the BMA prioritizes law enforcement activities at all ports, as well as the safety and security of all individuals entering and exiting the country.

“Our systems incorporate advanced security features to detect and prevent unauthorised entry. The BMA also collaborates closely with various stakeholders such as Airports Company South Africa and customs authorities to ensure a seamless border management process,” said Mogotsi.

Mogotsi encouraged the public to rely communication from the BMA for accurate information.

SA`s population is getting older: `New report offers government blueprint for future planning`

Expert says the new report gives government an opportunity to plan ahead to meet the country’s needs.

The South African population has grown by 1.1% in the past year to about 63.1 million. Of this number, 51.6 million are black Africans, followed by coloured people and the white population projected at about 5 175 608 and 4 607 554, respectively. People of Indian and Asian origin are estimated to be at 1.7 million.
The population projections by province, district municipality, local municipality, main-place and sub-place are contained in this year’s report by the Bureau of Market Research (BMR). The report has not only affirmed Gauteng as the most populous province but also that there are more women than men in South Africa.
According to the report released this week, Gauteng is expected to have the largest population of about 15.3 million people, representing about 24.3% of the national population, by the end of this month. The Northern Cape has the smallest population, with about 1.37 million people, which is 2.2% of the country’s population.
The number of men is projected to be about 30.6 million people, with the women expected to be 32.4 million. The population projections guide the allocation of resources more effectively by identifying areas with higher population concentration.
According to Joshua Kembo, a senior researcher at BMR, the report means government must ensure that healthcare, education, infrastructure development and social services are targeted where they are most needed.
He said:
In essence, local governments should use these projections to plan and implement targeted interventions to optimise the resource allocation as well as develop strategies to access the demographic trends
Kembo gave an example of KwaZulu-Natal, which has a population of 12.6 million, saying it would need substantial investment to cater for the people’s needs. KwaZulu-Natal accounts for 20% of the national population.
The report notes that the ageing population has increased slightly, while the youth segment has decreased slightly in the past year. Kembo says this means government should develop strategies to address this demographic trend.
“The 65 to 69 age group has grown from 2.58% of the total population in 2022 to 2.64% this year, with an increased female representation from 2.90% to 2.97%. This trend continues into the 80+ category, which remains stable at 1.1% of the total population but shows a notable female majority at 1.5%, surpassing the male percentage of 0.7%,” states the report.
According to Kembo, this will affect the provision of healthcare and social services:
The South African population is gravitating towards ageing as there is a substantial increase in the proportion of the population reaching 65 and above. This will affect healthcare and social services [provision]. Government should make sure there are adequate resources to cater for this segment of the population, as most of them will be relying on state support as they will be out of employment
With the report also showing a slight decrease in the youth population of those aged zero to 14, Kembo says this represents not only challenges but opportunities for government to create employment for this age cohort.
According to the latest Stats SA report, the official unemployment rate stood at 32.9% in the first quarter of this year, with youth unemployment at 45.5%.
“The sustained yet declining youthful base suggests that, while the immediate workforce replenishment is secure, the gradual ageing will necessitate strategic workforce planning, with a focus on youth skill development to offset the impending retirements of the older working-age population.
“They will need employment after their school years and it means [national] government and local government should ensure [there are] employment opportunities by getting them the right skills for them to be employable.”
While some might see this as a challenge, particularly with the latest unemployment rate among the youth, Kembo believes it creates opportunities to ensure there is always an adequate supply of labour.
He said:
This is a great opportunity that should be taken advantage of by giving the youth education, skills and opportunities as well
But he did raise concerns about the kind of education the youth are getting.
He added:
Are they getting the skills that are required by the industry so they can be employed [later]? Why is this a critical question that we are asking? It is because the unemployment [rate] is substantial. “A number of youth remain unemployed and we know that among them are also those who have attended tertiary [education institutions]. We must have fit-for-purpose training and we must align this training with demand
“Are they getting the skills that are required by the industry so they can be employed [later]? Why is this a critical question that we are asking? It is because the unemployment [rate] is substantial.
“A number of youth remain unemployed and we know that among them are also those who have attended tertiary [education institutions]. We must have fit-for-purpose training and we must align this training with demand.”
The ageing population is a natural phenomenon, says Kembo, as the health infrastructure develops and the eradication of communicable diseases that cause life expectancy to decline.

High court rules Home Office acted unlawfully over visa documents

Home Office failed to provide digital proof of status to those applying for visa extensions, in new Windrush-style scandal
The Home Office is facing a new Windrush-style scandal after a landmark high court ruling found that the home secretary acted unlawfully by failing to provide documents to thousands of migrants proving they are here legally.
The charity Ramfel brought the legal challenge along with Cecilia Adjei, a healthcare worker and mother of two boys aged 17 and 11, who came to Britain from Ghana in 2000.
The charity said hundreds of thousands of migrants were potentially affected by the Home Office’s failure to provide confirmation documents showing that people who apply to extend their visas are here legally while the applications are being processed. This is known as “3C leave”, an automatic form of immigration status while they wait for the Home Office to process their application.
Some have their jobs put at risk while others face difficulties accessing higher education, healthcare and the right to rent a home because they cannot prove they are here legally.
The case echoes the problems faced by the Windrush generation, who were unable to prove they were here legally and so struggled to work, rent and access benefits.
The judge in the case, Mr Justice Cavanagh, ruled on Friday: “The evidence clearly establishes that a substantial number of those on section 3C leave suffer real hardship through being unable to provide immediate documentary proof of their immigration status and attendant rights.”
He found that the failure to provide digital proof of status to those on 3C leave was unlawful. “The underlying purpose of the legislative framework is that there should be a hostile and unwelcoming environment for those who are unlawfully present and so who are undocumented. The corollary of this is that those who are lawfully here should not face the hostile environment. That can only happen if they are documented,” he said.
The judge urged the home secretary to take a “straightforward step” to avoid hardship for a substantial number of people.
Adjei welcomed the ruling. “What I went through while waiting for my visa to be extended by the Home Office was really stressful,” she said. “I was unable to prove that I had the right to work so was suspended from my employment as a healthcare support worker twice, without any notice.
“I have two children and have to budget very carefully, so we suffered real hardship when my wages suddenly stopped. I had to borrow money and visit a food bank just to get by. It was humiliating and scary as I didn’t have any way to prove to my employer that I still had the correct immigration status and the right to work.”
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Nick Beales, the head of campaigning at Ramfel, said: “Time and again the government’s hostile environment traps and targets people with every right to be in the UK. They assured us they had learned from the Windrush scandal, but these words were clearly hollow. People on 3C leave have had their lives disrupted for years because they have been unable to prove their immigration status.”
Janet Farrell, a partner at Bhatt Murphy solicitors, which represented the claimants, said: “This is a significant victory for my clients and all those who through no fault of their own are left undocumented in an environment which demands proof of immigration status in order to access work, housing and healthcare or hold a driving licence or bank account.”
The Home Office has been approached for comment

`Habibi, come to South Africa!`: Dubai Bling`s Ebraheem confirms Forever Rose coming to SA

• Ebraheem Al Samadi, celebrated for his role on Dubai Bling, chose South Africa as his exquisite holiday destination.
• He praised the country`s stunning landscapes, rich history, and the warmth of its people, declaring it an ideal vacation destination.
• Al Samadi revealed plans to expand his Forever Rose café franchise to South Africa and teases what he describes as the ultimate season of Dubai Bling.
`My name is Ebraheem, and this is my tongue. Beware!` The Blooming Man says in Netflix`s Dubai Bling, an iconic line that cements his place as `the son of a king, and the son of a queen`.
Ebraheem Al Samadi is a polarising character on the show, but when we meet on a rainy day at Cape Town`s City Hall, the rather humble and respectful Ebraheem we often see caring for his mom on the show insists I don`t stand as I`m an expecting mom. Instead, he shakes my hand, laughing, as he tells me about his drive into town and a few interesting characters he`s met on the streets.
Ebraheem is on a holiday visit to the country organised by Globe Travel Tours, whom he praises for their professionalism, friendliness, and experience in selecting the right places to visit in SA.
`South Africa is beautiful,` he says. `The scenic views are absolutely priceless.`
`South Africa is hope`
Ebraheem gushes over South Africa, saying: `Every part I`ve seen of Cape Town is better than the last.`
Our interview takes place before his trip to Johannesburg, although he`s rather impressed with the warm welcome he`s received thus far in Cape Town.
`It`s as good or even better than the Middle East,` he says.
`People are very generous with snacks and food!` he laughs.
`I`ve been getting sweets ever since I arrived, and I literally have this `sweet corner` in the hotel room that I keep waking up to and getting different snacks from. It just goes to show the amount of kindness and generosity of South Africans.`
As for the South African food itself and the stops along the way - which have included taking the cable car to the top of Table Mountain, having high tea at the Mount Nelson Hotel, and driving through Hout Bay and along Chapman`s Peak - he says, `Everything is priceless.`
`Every single part [of South Africa] is historically beautiful,` he explains. `Even just entering this building [City Hall] and seeing the statue of Nelson Mandela, and knowing the power that it had at that time, there`s nowhere in the world that you would get the beauty, the history, the landscape, the kindness of the people. For me, South Africa is the ideal vacation spot, honestly, from my heart.`
And the food?
`I felt like my whole life, I haven`t been living!` he gushes about his Mariner`s Wharf fish and chips.
Ebraheem is also championing the Palestinian cause while he`s here. He has taken a Zumba class to raise awareness and hiked Newlands Forest, where he was seen on video carrying his mom on his back.
`My mom doesn`t mind hiking, but it`s hard for her to go up steps,` he explains. So he carried her.
`I wanted her to see the view at the top,` he tells me.
On the importance of highlighting the genocide happening in Gaza, he says: `One of the reasons why I chose South Africa, it was always on my list my bucket list, but, when I heard how vocal South Africans are about Palestine, I was like that`s where I want to be.`
He adds:
When you follow people who have humanity, you`re going to get everything else after it. You`re going to get the kindness, the welcome, you`re going to get the good food, because these are humans. These are actual people.
`South Africa has experienced what is currently happening, and they`re telling the world, `It is not the way to go. We`ve already tried that, it didn`t work. You cannot oppress an entire race`. If you harm one person, you have the whole entire community against you. What about killing 35 000 people, of which most are children?
`South Africa is saying, `Hello, Israel. This is not the way to do it. We`ve been through this, learn from our history. This happened to us. We had apartheid. We had walls in between communities. You cannot separate community`.`
He says South Africa has only experienced 30 years of democracy, but sometime in the future, the country could very well `be at the top of the world.`
`So hope starts here,` he says. `I say, South Africa is hope for the world.`
Bringing Forever Rose to SA and the `ultimate` season of Dubai Bling
Season two of Dubai Bling ended on a happier note, with Ebraheem mending fences with Zeina Khoury and Safa Siddiqui as he opened his Besties café with Danya `Diva Dee` Mohammed.
The Blooming Man also owns the very successful Forever Rose café, which he says he`ll soon be franchising. His inbox is flooded with openings in Joburg.
`So, is that confirmation?` I ask, all coy. “Can I break that story?`
`You can break that story,` he says.
While dates are not confirmed, he teases a location with `the most beautiful views of South Africa because [he`s] personally in love with it`.
`And I also want to bring a lot of the South African heritage to our designs. You know, everything we do with Forever Rose is black and white, so we want to have, like, a painting of Nelson Mandela in black and white; we want to have all these things to show pride. I don`t want to bring something from outside in. I want to highlight the South African flavour.`
It`s giving: `Habibi, come to South Africa!`
Ebraheem will hopefully make his way back to SA very soon then, as filming for season three of Dubai Bling has already wrapped after all.
On the upcoming season, he confirms Kris Fade and Lojain Omran will not be returning, while it will likely be released closer to the end of the year.
He teases:
This will be the ultimate season because we all felt tired afterwards. Us, the crew, everyone, because we did a lot.
`Season three goes really deep into our lives,` he says, `and when you open your life to the camera and to the world, it`s not easy because not everyone`s going to judge you according to the way you want to be judged.`
He explains that viewers don`t always get to see the larger-than-life stars in their entirety.
`But honestly, I don`t care what anyone thinks because I know who I am,` he says. `I am me. I believe in what I say. I stand very firm in what I say. However, I`m not perfect, and I don`t have an issue showing my faults.`
`A lot of people, not to mention names, pretend to be someone they`re not. With Ebraheem, what you see is what you get. Some people accept it, they love it, they appreciate it, and some people say, `No, he`s too much.` But you can`t make everyone happy.`
Flexing a new phrase he learnt during his stay and in practice for his Forever Rose establishment in SA, perhaps, he concludes in true Ebraheem style, with a bit of South African flair: `There are more than two billion people in the world. You`re not going to make everyone happy. So, I only care about the people who actually care about me... Everyone else can `fokof`.`

There’s a huge VISA backlog at home affairs that’s stifling SA

It’s ironic that with so many South Africans trying to leave the country, it’s a visa backlog for people trying to get INTO the country that’s stifling economic growth.
According to a report from Business Tech, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has a visa backlog of 62 000 applications. These are for people and workers trying to get into the country to fill critical skills shortages.
Now, visa agent Xpat, says the DHA are rejecting applications out of hand to simply try clear the huge visa backlog. The agent specialises in work permits for people coming to South Africa. It says individuals, HR professionals and businesses face lengthy delays and a needlessly complex application process
Since COVID, there have been a number of changes to rectify problems within the DHA. And Xpatweb believes these administrative processes have led to mounting rejections for frivolous reasons.
“While the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has announced several mitigation measures. Such as various concessions extending the validity of long-term visas. The deployment of more departmental resources has not solved the problem,” Xpatweb said.
The agency said it had seen several rejected visas stating that applicants had filed the application incorrectly, despite this not being the case. The company believes these challenges are hurting the economy as many businesses and applicants are left frustrated and have to turn their back on South Africa.
Navigating the work-visa application process will continue to be a challenge for individuals until the visa backlog is cleared. But understanding the difficulties of the process, the qualifying criteria and being fully prepared for every aspect of the application process will help.
If this fails, another way to speed up the process is to consult with Xpatweb and follow a Legal Escalation Process. This places the DHA and Embassy under pressure to ensure a reasonable outcome.
The current visa backlog is only expected to be resolved by mid-2024 at the earliest.