BMA intercepts 28 Bangladeshis with fake visas at OR Tambo Airport

A total of 28 Bangladeshi nationals were intercepted on arrival at OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA), the Border Management Authority (BMA) said.

It is understood the Bangladeshis were intercepted by BMA Immigration officials during an intelligence-driven operation on a flight from Dubai on Saturday.

Fake visas
With just two days before South Africa’s national and provincial elections, the BMA said it is on high alert at all ports of entry to monitor movements.

“During the operation, 27 Bangladeshis were found to be in possession of fraudulent visas and one Bangladeshi did not have a visa at all.

“The travellers were in contravention of the South African Immigration Act by possessing fraudulent travel documents. The Bangladesh nationals arrived in the country with visitors’ visas and were denied entry,” the BMA said.

High alert
BMA Commissioner Dr Michael Masiapato has commended the interception by the BMA Immigration officials and highlighted the importance of collaborations with embassies and foreign missions to verify visa legitimacy.

Masiapato also emphasised the need for continued efforts in confiscating illegal documents especially at this critical time of elections.

“I commend the diligent efforts of our immigration officers in intercepting the Bangladesh nationals. The BMA’s vigilance and commitment to maintaining the integrity of our immigration system is exemplary.

“This operation underscores the importance of our continuous efforts to secure our borders and ensure that all entrants comply with our legal requirements,” Masiapato added.

The BMA said it will continue to tighten its detection systems at the ports of entry.

“400 More BMA junior border guards are now entering the system following their pass-out parade held last week and more interceptions are expected across all ports of entry,” it said.

Last month, the BMA said more than one million people moved through South Africa’s ports of entry over the Easter weekend - up more than 24% from the previous year.

Moving to South Africa what can I bring and what duties do I pay

The ins and outs of importing personal goods into South Africa
Importing personal goods into South Africa is subject to a host of rules and regulations, as is to be expected. This is standard practice all around the world when moving goods from one country to another.
But we’ve simplified matters for you by summarising all the important information in one place. Simply continue reading to learn what’s allowed and what’s not and which forms are required.
1. The rules and regulations
Immigrants, returning SA residents, temporary residents and diplomats are allowed to import household and personal effects into South Africa.
You are allowed one-duty free import. To do a second import, you’ll have to obtain permission from SA Customs.
The difference between personal and household effects:
‘Personal effects’ are items of a personal nature whereas ‘household effects’ are items which are less personal in nature.
Examples of personal effects are clothing, shoes, books, videos and sporting equipment while ‘household effects’ could be, for instance, furniture, rugs, appliances, and crockery.
The required forms are:
• Inventory of goods.
• Form DA 304 - Item 407.06 of Schedule No.4 to the Customs and Excise Act.
• Form P1.160 - Declaration in respect of unaccompanied manifested household effects.
• Certified copy of passport.
• Certified copy of resident permit (where applicable). The passport must have the entry stamp into South Africa. This will also need to be certified.
The fine print:
• Returning residents must have been out of South Africa continually for at least 6 months to qualify for duty-free importation.
• Temporary residents will only be allowed duty-free importation if in possession of a valid temporary work permit. This must have a validity of at least six months.
• Diplomats must present a diplomatic clearance certificate.
2. Importing new or used cars
Should you import your car when moving to South Africa, you’ll be liable for import duty and tax. The documents you’ll need to import your car are:
• Import permit. You must obtain this permit prior to shipping the vehicle to South Africa.
• Letter of Authority. You’ll need to request this letter from the The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS).
Please note: It is generally prohibited to import left-hand drive vehicles if the vehicle was registered in the name of an importer on or after 1 January 2000, unless authorised by the SABS.
Required documents
To import your car into South Africa, you must have the following:
• In the case of permanent residents, your PR certificate.
• Proof of emigration from South Africa, proof of permanent residence obtained abroad as well as evidence that such permanent residence has been withdrawn. This is in the case of returning South Africans.
• Completed DA 304 A form.
• Purchase documents.
• Registration certificate/permit.
• Documentary evidence of the date on which delivery of the vehicle was taken.
• Documentary evidence of the date on which the vehicle was handed over for shipment to SA.
• An import permit, for used vehicles.
• An original Letter of Authority.
3. Importing vehicles when changing permanent residence to South Africa
In terms of the Customs and Excise Act:
• Immigrants, and
• South African residents who originally emigrated from the Republic obtained permanent residents status abroad, and thereafter return,
being natural persons, may after obtaining permanent residence in South Africa or after returning to South Africa permanently, import one car per family under full rebate of customs duties:
(i) provided the vehicle imported is the personal property of the importer and has personally been used by him or her
(a) for a period of not less than 12 months prior to his or her departure to the Republic; or
(b) for a period of less than 12 months prior to his or her departure to the Republic; or
(ii) in the case of approved intended residents arriving from an African country, is owned and used for such shorter period as the Commissioner may in exceptional circumstances decide; and
(iii) provided the vehicle is not offered, advertised, lent, hired, leased, pledged, given away, exchanged, sold or otherwise disposed of within a period of 20 months from the date of entry.
Should you have owned and used the vehicle for less than 12 months prior to your departure to South Africa, the duty rebate will be reduced pro-rata.
4. Restricted and prohibited articles
SA Customs restricts and prohibits a number of articles when importing personal goods into South Africa:
Restricted articles:
You may import the following items into South Africa but you must obtain a licence and/or import permit prior to doing so:
• Firearms. Please note that firearms are subject to inspection by customs. You should therefore pack all firearms separately and ensure that these items are easily accessible.
• Liquor. Liquor is subject to duty which means you must draw up a complete list of the liquor you’re importing noting the alcohol percentage, label names and values.
• Plants, seeds and bulbs.
Prohibited articles:
You may not import the following items:
• Ammunition and explosives.
• Narcotic drugs.
• Pornographic material.
• Agricultural products.
• Uncooked meat and poultry.
• Honey, beeswax, bees, bee eggs or larvae, and used beehive appliances.
• Uncut diamonds.
• Unwrought gold.
5. Customs clearance
You must be in South Africa before customs clearance can take place. It is possible to clear your belongings in your absence, but Customs may demand to see your passport.
Should you not be available to show your passport, Customs will place your goods into Bond. Customs will then only release your belongings once it has received your passport and requested documents.
Please note:
• Custom clearance takes an average of 7 to 10 working days from the date of presentation of documents.
• SA Customs may, at their discretion, designate any consignment for examination. You can expect to pay an examination fee for this.
One final note on importing personal goods into South Africa
While we have done our best to provide you with the latest update information, it is advisable to also consult with the South African Revenue Service prior to your move to South Africa. SARS is the governing body for all matters pertaining to imports

Canada to restore right of citizens born abroad to pass citizenship to children also born outside country

Federal government to amend Citizenship Act, removing ‘second-generation cut-off’ introduced by Conservative government
Canada plans to restore the right of citizens born abroad to pass their citizenship to children also born outside the country, following a court ruling that a “first-generation limit” in the law was unconstitutional.
The federal government announced legislation to amend the Citizenship Act, removing a “second-generation cut-off” introduced by the previous Conservative government, after an Ontario court ruled in December that the limit was unconstitutional.
“We wanted to take this opportunity to continue to minimize differential outcomes as much as possible for children born abroad … compared to children born to Canadians [in Canada],” said Marc Miller, the immigration minister, to reporters on Thursday. “Not everyone is entitled to [citizenship], but for those who are, it needs to be fair.”
The previous Conservative government of Stephen Harper limited citizenship by descent to a single generation in 2009 following criticism of the $85m spent evacuating 15,000 Canadian citizens from Lebanon during the brief 2006 war with Israel, with Conservatives labelling such dual nationals “Canadians of convenience”.
Since then, Canadian citizens born abroad have been unable to pass their citizenship to any children born outside the country, creating what some have called a generation of “lost Canadians” and what critics argued amounted to a two-tiered system of citizenship.
The new bill would allow a Canadian born abroad to pass on citizenship if they have a substantial connection to Canada, demonstrated by showing they have spent at least three years in the country.
The “substantial connection” clause is aimed at addressing anti-immigration critics who claim that many immigrants leave Canada after obtaining passports and will only return to claim benefits.
“Today is a historic day for lost Canadians and their families,” said Jenny Kwan, a member of parliament and immigration critic for the New Democratic party, hailing the bill.
“This unjust law caused significant hardship and suffering to many Canadian families, separates families and rendered children stateless. It failed to recognize Canadians are global citizens who travel, study and work abroad, fall in love abroad and have families abroad.”
Citizenship remains a contentious issue in a nation with such high immigration. The immigration system is “falling apart”, said Tom Kmiec, Conservative MP and shadow immigration minister, in a statement. “Common sense Conservatives will fix our immigration system that the Liberals have broken.”
It is not clear how many people could be entitled to citizenship as a result of the bill, said Don Chapman, who fought to regain his citizenship after being born in the country and then taken to the United States as a child by his father. Mr Chapman coined the term “lost Canadians” and runs an organization of the same name advocating for citizenship rights for children of Canadians abroad.
“You won’t have a huge outpouring of people moving to Canada, but you will have a huge number of people that actually qualify for Canadian citizenship,” said Mr Chapman.
American actors Gene Hackman, Shirley MacLaine, and Warren Beaty are among those who could become Canadian as a result of the bill, Mr Chapman said.
“Will they come? I don’t know. I doubt it. But they would have the right.”

What to do if you lose your South African passport overseas

Losing a passport can be a serious problem if you are abroad on holiday or a business trip.
According to Nedbank, the following steps must be immediately taken if you lose your passport:
•    Report the loss at the nearest police station.
•    Contact the nearest South African embassy, consulate or high commission.
You do not have to completely abandon your travel plans as a South African diplomatic or consular mission can issue an emergency travel certificate that will allow one to return to South Africa at the end of their trip.
One can also apply for a new passport when they apply for an emergency travel certificate.
That said, all passport applications at South African missions abroad are then sent to the Department of Home Affairs for processing.
It can still take the Department several months to process and deliver a new passport, so you’ll need an emergency travel certificate to return to South Africa.
When applying for an emergency travel certificate and a new passport at the South African embassy, you’ll need to follow these steps:
•    Complete an application form.
•    Submit your fingerprints.
•    Provide written proof of your South African citizenship using a birth certificate, identity document, certified copy of passport or driving licence (whichever you have available).
•    Provide a copy of the police report on the loss or theft of your passport.
•    Provide 2 photographs with your application.
•    Pay the prescribed fee.
Nedbank said that when travelling out of South Africa, one should keep a digitised copy of their essential items, such as passport, identity document and driving licence.
Physical copies can be stored in different items of luggage, or you can leave copies behind with someone you trust.
The bank said that the following tips can also ensure that your passport is secure when travelling:
•    Buy a good-quality passport holder to protect your passport from water damage and wear.
•    Store your passport in a concealed zippered pocket safe from pickpockets or in your hotel safe.
•    Whenever anyone asks you to produce your passport to be scanned or stamped, always check that the passport they return to you is indeed yours

South Africa set to create nomad visa for remote workers

South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs refiled long-awaited changes to its work permit regime to allow for the creation of a so-called nomad visa for remote workers.
The May 20 gazetting of the changes, which had been withdrawn last month after the department failed to observe a mandatory period for public comment, means that the changes are now law.
It’s also seeking to allow people employed and paid by companies elsewhere to live in the country as long as they earn at least R1 million ($55,404) annually. The visa comes with a short-term tax exemption.
The step, acting on recommendations made by the office of the president, comes amid criticism from some of the nation’s biggest foreign-owned employers over their inability to get technicians and executives into the country.
South Africa’s byzantine system means applicants can wait for more than a year to get a work permit even though a poor local education system has left companies without skilled workers.