Home Affairs investigates sale of South African passports and visas in Dubai

Home Affairs Minister Leon Scheiber says his department will support an investigation by the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (Dirco) into reports of a South African Diplomat in Dubai allegedly selling visas and passports to United Arab Emirates (UAE) citizens wishing to come to South Africa.

This comes after the Sunday Times reported that Andrew Tsepo Lebona, South Africa’s consul-general in Dubai, committed several security breaches.

Affected visa’s to be cancelled  

In a social media post on X Schreiber said: “Home Affairs will support the urgent investigation of this DIRCO employee to cancel the affected visas,” he said.

Corruption a threat to national security

Schreiber said corruption within the Home Affairs Department threatened national security.

“As I warned in Parliament this week, corruption that threatens our national security will continue in the absence of wholesale digital transformation,” continued Schreiber on X.

According to the Sunday Times, Lebona had also used his position to grant his adult son a diplomatic passport and connect him to business deals in the UAE.

“Other officials said Tumelo Lebona was using his father’s position to solicit business opportunities in the UAE and had travelled to South Africa with businesspeople from the wealthy nation for similar purposes,” reported the Sunday Times.

Lebona has now been recalled to South Africa and has been asked to explain himself.

Lebona was employed by Dirco but also represents the Department of Home Affairs in Dubai. He performs various functions for South Africans in the city including issuing them with travel documents.

Lebona is one of several Home Affairs officials who has been caught selling passports and other crucial documents.

He is responsible for assisting South Africans living or holidaying in Dubai should they encounter legal and other problems requiring government intervention.

According to the government insiders, the probe found that Lebona arranged for his 45-year-old son, Tumelo Michael Lebona, to be issued a UAE diplomatic visa even though he did not meet the qualifying criteria — being younger than 25 or in the employ of Dirco.

Court rules in favour of traditional wife and nullifies civil marriage

 Hilda Sedinjane turned to the Limpopo High Court in Polokwane for an order that she be recognised as the true wife of deceased Seabela Malatji. The parties concluded a customary marriage in 1988 as evidenced by a lobola certificate and four children were born of the marriage. The couple drifted apart over the years and the applicant (Sedinjane) left the matrimonial home around late 1992. In February 2014, the deceased entered a civil marriage with Anare Malatji (first respondent) as evidenced by a home affairs department marriage certificate. The deceased died in March 2021 from natural causes and the first respondent was appointed executrix of the deceased estate by the master of the high court. Upon attending the master of the high court offices, the applicant was advised that the lobola certificate that she produced was not proof of marriage and was further advised that the first respondent had, by virtue of her civil marriage, already been appointed executor of the deceased estate. The applicant lodged an application for the court to declare the civil marriage of the first respondent and the deceased null and void. Further, for the recognition and registration of her customary marriage to the deceased and issuance of a marriage certificate in that regard. The applicant also sought a declarator that she is the only wife of the deceased and an order withdrawing the letters of executorship issued in the name of the first respondent in respect of the deceased estate. In opposing the application in both her personal and representative capacity as executrix of the deceased estate, the first respondent did not dispute that the applicant and the deceased were married, but argued that such a marriage was dissolved in 1992 when the applicant walked out of the matrimonial home eight years before the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act came into effect in November 2000. In response to this argument, acting judge Malose Monene stated that the court was struggling to understand on what grounds the first respondent claimed that the marriage between the deceased and the applicant was dissolved. “We are left none the wiser as to where, when, and how the dissolution of the customary marriage is alleged to have happened. One is left with an impression that the first respondent takes the inexplicable quantum leap in logic that the mere admitted walking out of the matrimonial home by the applicant in 1992 is conclusive proof of a divorce which happened eight years before the coming into effect of the act.” That, in the court’s view, was misplaced reasoning by the first respondent. The acting judge acknowledged that desertion may be grounds for a divorce, but it is not and cannot of itself constitute a dissolution of the marriage or a divorce. The court declared that the civil marriage entered into between the first respondent and deceased unlawful and void. The letters of executorship in respect of the deceased estate issued to the first respondent by the master of the high court were set aside. The customary marriage entered into between the applicant and the deceased is recognised as a customary marriage entered validly in terms of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act and the minister of home affairs was directed to register that customary marriage and issue the applicant with a marriage certificate. The first respondent was ordered to pay the costs of the application.

I can't open a bank account because I have a Visitor's Visa. What must I do?

I can't open a bank account because I have a Visitor's Visa. What must I do?

The short answer 

You can get an endorsement on your spousal visa. Here's how. 

The whole question

I left everything behind to live with my husband in South Africa. However, while staying here I've been unable to open a bank account because my visa states that it is a 'Visitor's Visa'. As a woman, I cannot stay idle and wait for my husband's salary. I need to work and save some of the money I earn and receive from my husband, but it's nearly impossible since I can't open a bank account. I'm still going to be staying here for the next 3 years. Is it possible for spousal visas to not to be labelled as 'Visitor's Visas'?

The long answer

Thank you for your email explaining the difficulties of opening a bank account as someone on a spousal visa. It must be very frustrating to be in the country for the next three years with your husband and not to be able to open a bank account.

The spousal visa, which is Visitor Visa Section 11 (6), is called a Visitor’s Visa because it does not grant rights to stay permanently. You can only open a non-resident bank account with the spousal visa, and you are not allowed to deposit rands in it, which makes it useless for your purposes.

You can get an endorsement on your spousal visa that will allow you to work but you can only apply for the endorsement once you have a job offer from a specific employer and the endorsement will only be for that employer.

You can also get an endorsement on your spousal visa to run a business, but you will need to prove that you’ve got a business structure in place like a Sole Proprietorship or Proprietary Limited ((Pty) Ltd).

Once you have been married for five years and have a valid spousal visa you can apply for a spousal permit which is a permanent residency and then you don’t need endorsements to work and open bank accounts.

You may want to ask advice on getting an endorsement on your spousal visa from the following organisation

How can I add my 6 month-old daughter born in Zimbabwe to my permit?

How can I add my 6 month-old daughter born in Zimbabwe to my permit?

The short answer 

You need an “accompanying visa”, which must be applied for in Zimbabwe 

The whole question

My daughter is 6 months-old and was born in Zimbabwe. How do I add her to my permit?

The long answer

Thank you for your email asking how you can add your 6 month-old daughter born in Zimbabwe to your permit.

It seems that Home Affairs is demanding that dependent children must apply for “accompanying visas” and that these visas must be applied for from Zimbabwe. This has meant great hardship for many mothers, as the visas could take up to 8 weeks to be issued.

If your daughter does not have a birth certificate issued in Zimbabwe, you may apply for it at the Zimbabwean Consulate in Cape Town or Johannesburg, or the Zimbabwean Embassy in Pretoria.

You could ask the following organisations for advice and assistance:

Home Affairs committee wants inspectorate unit strengthened to track foreign nationals

The Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs pointed out that while the deportation of 95 Libyan nationals has been effected, the need to strengthen the inspectorate unit of the department is necessary and called for an enhanced monitoring tool to track foreign nationals in the country.
Earlier this week, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) concluded its preparations to deport the 95 Libyan nationals, after they were arrested in White River, Mpumalanga, last month.
“While the deportations end this unfortunate incident, it has exposed the need to strengthen the inspectorate division within the DHA and implement monitoring systems to ensure the monitoring of travellers who contravened the validity of their permits,” said committee chairperson Mosa Chabane.
He said the inspectorate unit was grossly incapacitated, which weakened its ability to implement its mandate.
The committee raised serious concern that there were administrative lapses in the issuing of study visas for the 95 Libyan nationals.
Chabane said it was concerning that the preliminary investigation had uncovered that there was a gap in the administrative process between the Department of International Relations and Cooperation stationed in Tunis and that there was no process to consult, seek advice or obtain authorisation from the DHA before issuing the visas.
He said this gap presented a security risk and brought into question the verification processes applied in issuing visas.
“The committee was informed that among the anomalies identified by the preliminary investigation were the offline systems at the mission which resulted in handwritten documents, the use of outdated forms that do not comply with prescribed forms in the Immigration Regulations, study visas issued despite no indication in the forms that the applicant was applying for study visas, omission of critical information in the application forms, no evidence of sufficient funds for application to maintain them while in South Africa as prescribed, and non-verification of police clearance certificates before processing the application,” he said.
Chabane emphasised that these lapses were substantial and were at the heart of the verification process before granting a visa, noting that lack of this critical information had the potential to undermine the “ineffectiveness” of the country’s immigration regulations and rendered “useless” the verification process.
“The consequence is that undesirable foreign nationals are admitted to the country putting at risk the country’s security,” he stated.
Meanwhile, the committee highlighted that the investigation into the citizenship of Miss South Africa 2024 contestant Chidimma Adetshina was at an advanced stage, calling for internal and criminal processes against officials who might have participated in the alleged fraudulent scheme.
“The illegal selling of our documents and facilitation of fraudulent entry into the country’s National Population Register for personal corrupt and greedy gains is unacceptable and consequence management must be implemented if the investigation proves that a case of fraud can be proven,” Chabane said.
The committee stated that it was of the view that digitisation of processes within the home affairs department, a process that was started by the sixth administration with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, will reduce cases of fraud to the country’s national population register.
The committee has resolved that the department must, at the end of October, present a progress report on its digitisation programme and progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the Multi-disciplinary Task Team report on the issuing of permits and visas