No decision has been made on the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit

No decision has been made on the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit

19 November 2021 – DHA

The Department of Home Affairs has noted a misleading online news article, purportedly emanating from Zimbabwe, which has subsequently been followed by social media posts claiming that Zimbabwe Exemption Permits have been extended for a period of five years.

This is patently untrue. Paddling this untruth is obviously aimed at pressuring the South African Government into making a particular decision in relation to these permits.

Secondly, in South Africa, there is nothing called a Home Affairs Ministerial Committee on Zimbabwe Permits. Such a committee has never existed at Home Affairs.

The matter of the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit is still to be considered by Cabinet. The next regular Cabinet sitting is scheduled for next week.

Communication on this will be made through the regular post Cabinet communications protocols.



South African Permanent Residence

South African Permanent Residence

South Africa encourages permanent residency if you are serious about staying in South Africa on a long terms permanent basis there are many categories you can apply under.

  1. Hold a General Work Visa for five years and have a permanent job offer.
  2. Hold a Relative’s Visa sponsored by an immediate family member.
  3. Hold a Critical Skills Visa and have 5 years relevant work experience.
  4. Be in a proven life partner relationship for five years
  5. Be married to an SA Spouse for at least five years.
  6. Have held Refugee Asylum Status for five years.
  7. Hold a Business Visa.
  8. Receive a monthly income of R37,000 through Pension or Retirement Annuity
  9. Have a net asset worth of R12m and payment to Home Affairs of R120,000

Click Here if you require more information on this visa type and we will revert to you

South African Relative Visa

South African Relative Visa

A relative's Visa may be issued by the Department to a foreigner who is a member of the immediate family of a citizen or a resident, providing that such citizen or resident provides the prescribed financial assurances. This only applies to first level of kinship i.e: Brother, Sister, Mother, Father

The period of validity of the Visa shall be determined by the financial assurance provided, but will not exceed a period of 24 months at a time. A relative Visa issued to a spouse shall lapse upon the dissolution of the spousal relationship and the Department may at any time satisfy itself that a good faith spousal relationship exists and or continues to exist

Click Here if you require more information on this visa type and we will revert to you

ASYLUM SEEKERS PERMIT EXPIRED during LOCKDOWN – Don’t know what to do ? Apply Now for Temporary Residence

ASYLUM SEEKERS PERMIT EXPIRED during LOCKDOWN – Don’t know what to do ?

Apply Now for Temporary Residence even with EXPIRED LOCKDOWN PERMITS

The Constitutional Court handed down a judgement in the Ahmed matter as well as a Court Order opening the door for Asylum Seekers and Refugees to apply to change their status to  temporary residence visa . Contact us now before this fantastic opportunity is lost .

Contact us now and ask me HOW CHANGE TO TEMPORARY RESIDENCE . Travel abroad from South Africa , get a Canada , Schengen Visa afterwards .

Under the new rules they don’t have to cancel their asylum or refugee status and can change to any visa class if they qualify from within
South Africa

please contact us on :
Sa Migration International

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415


Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp )

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073
Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127
Fax No : 086 579 0155

Do you have Refugee Status , Are you Ethiopian or any other country , Do you desire permanent residence via Indefinite Status ?

Do you have Refugee Status , Are you Ethiopian or any other country  , Do you desire permanent residence via Indefinite Status ? There is a way .

We currently enjoy a high level of success via a legal process to get permanent residence for our Somalian Clients .

Don’t  be left out contact us now before it is too late !!

please email us to whatsapp me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :


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Sa Migration International


Alternatively , please contact us on :
Sa Migration International

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415


Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp )

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073
Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127