Home Affairs Budget Vote Receives Mixed Reactions in NCOP

The Chairperson of the Select Committee on Security and Justice, Ms Shahidabibi Shaik, commended Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi’s plans, which he mentioned yesterday in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) during his department’s budget vote, to upgrade some of South Africa’s busiest border posts.

Ms Shaik said this will help improve security and ease the movement of goods and people between South Africa and its neighbours. “The issue of border management is critical for ensuring the legal movement of people and goods across our borders. We have noted the positive developments since the establishment of the BMA. We also welcome the digitalisation project, which will help cut fraud and corruption, as it will make it easier to track the original documents,” she said.

The committee Chairperson said her committee will play its oversight role to ensure that commitments and plans announced in the department’s budget vote policy are implemented. She also shared some of the committee’s recommendations for the department to consider. These include steps to curb corruption and protect whistle-blowers, as well as possible legislative changes to extend operating hours to address the challenges of long queues in Home Affairs offices. The committee also wants the department to continue inspections of the employment of undocumented foreign nationals.

Also participating in the policy debate, Mr Frederik Badenhorst of the Democratic Alliance in the NCOP was concerned about long queues, delays in processing applications for documents and the backlog in processing applications for permanent residency.

“The department is marred with corruption and bribery. Six years after Project Lokisa exposed corruption in the department’s refuge offices, we are still waiting to hear what happened to officials who make money out of keeping the problem going on,” he said.

An Economic Freedom Fighters’ permanent delegate to the NCOP, Ms Mbali Dlamini, said the EFF does not support the department’s proposed budget and accused the Minister of compromising the dignity of foreign nationals. “The Minister compromises the dignity of African nationals, in particular Zimbabweans, through the continued wavering of the Zimbabwe exemption permit, leaving Zimbabweans in the country dangling for another six months, facing challenges obtaining bank cards, driver’s licences and having to spend a lot of money on waiver applications,” Ms Dlamini said.

She said foreign nationals were scapegoated for various problems in South Africa, such as crime, unemployment and the lack of medical services. “Refuges and asylum seekers are facing difficulty accessing their rights due to the department’s failure to provide efficient immigration services. Home Affairs is also contributing to the overcrowding in our prisons by failing to process immigrant offenders who are due for deportation,” she said.

Mr Michiel de Bruyn from the Freedom Front Plus accused the department of failing in its mandate, especially on the management of the country’s borders. “The department has effectively failed to manage migration, unable to track undocumented immigrants and persons whose documents have expired, resulting in a number of negative consequences for the country such as crime, unemployment and strain on our social services,” he said.

Mr de Bruyn called on the department to take a proactive approach to strengthen border control and ensure only those who meet South Africa’s immigration criteria are allowed to enter the country

Visa deadline looms for Zimbabweans in South Africa

Should they fail with a court challenge to secure their continuous stay in South Africa, thousands of Zimbabwean nationals could be forced to leave the country. Many don’t want to return home and start all over again.

Almost 200,000  Zimbabweans living in South Africa are waiting with bated breath to hear a court decision on whether they can continue to stay in the country or will be forced to return home.

Those whose Zimbabwean Exemption Permits (ZEP) have been terminated now only have 30 days left before the June 30 deadline for them to leave South Africa expires.

But how did this dillemma occur in the first place?

South Africa granted ‘special dispensation’ permits at first 

In 2009, the South African government granted “special dispensation” permits for Zimbabwean nationals who were in the country illegally.

This policy was meant to regularize the status of thousands who had fled political and economic instability in Zimbabwe, mainly between 2007 and 2009. The special dispensation status was in place until November 2021, when South Africa’s cabinet decided to cancel it altogether.

Zimbabweans living in South Africa with a special dispensation permit were given a 12-month grace period to either apply for a mainstream visa or leave the country.

Their only hope now is a legal challenge filed at the Pretoria High Court last month by various organizations.

Alternatively, they could obtain alternative permits, but that is not an easy task.

Zimbabweans need a decision sooner than later 

Leaders of various political parties as well as non-governmental organizations representing Zimbabweans and campaignig for their rights in South Africa say that most would not qualify for alternative permits. This is why most Zimbabweans didn’t even bother to apply.

Now they all face some difficult questions: Should they pull their children out of school and prepare to leave? Should they sell their property and save the money for the future?

In South Africa, thousands of Zimbabweans fear deportation

Victress Mathuthu, the chairperson of The Zim imbokodo, a women’s right group, said that the prolonged wait to hear about the judgment was slowly wearing them out.

“So now we are caught in between. What do you do? Do you apply for a waiver, or do you wait for the judgment? We don’t know what we are really supposed to do. It’s very difficult,” she told DW.

Trust Ndlovu, a senior representative of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change, said the court decision needed to come sooner rather than later.

“Many people don’t know what to do next. I wish the judgment can be as soon as possible so that we can actually see alternatives” as to how “these people should plan,” he told DW.

In limbo without access to funds

Ngqabutho Mabhena, the chairman of the Zimbabwe Community in South Africa organization, said that it was an incredibly serious matter and that some South African banks had even announced they would freeze Zimbabwean bank accounts,

“What we have noted is that the banks are writing to the holders of the ZEP to produce their permits and informing them that if they do not do so, they are going to freeze their accounts,” he told DW.

Simba Chitando, a lawyer representing some Zimbabweans challenging the termination of their permits in court, said the wait could be longer than expected.

He said that the legal battle could be long as his clients were prepared to fight all the way to the highest court to eventually receive a favorable decision.

“If we are successful, then the government will have to make a decision whether they are going to appeal the judgment. And obviously if we are unsuccessful, I can guarantee we will appeal the judgement, if it is not in favor of the ZEP holders,” he added.

The Department of Home Affairs did not respond to DW’s questions about the matter

Ghana excluded as Canada adds two African countries to visa-free travel list

The Canadian government has announced visa-free travel for visitors from 13 different countries across Asia, Africa, Central and South America.

In a statement, Sean Fraser, the Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship said the visa-free travel is extended to Antigua and Barbuda, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, St Kitts-Nevis, Panama, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Morocco, Seychelles, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Thailand and the Philippines.

While North Africa’s Morocco and East Africa’s Seychelles joined the list, Ghana, Nigeria the most populous African nation didn’t make the cut.

It said “An expansion of the electronic travel authorization better known as the eTA programs makes it easier for “known travelers” from those countries to come here for fun and business.”

It added that the expansion not only enhances convenience for travellers, it will also increase travel, tourism, and economic benefits, as well as strengthen global bonds with these 13 countries.

“The known travellers from these countries can save a lot of money as a result of the visa exemptions,” the statement read.

A visitor visa currently costs $100 per person and $500 for a family of five or more, but an eTA only costs seven dollars per person and is valid for as long as five years.

According to the government, introducing visa-free air travel will make it faster, easier, and more affordable for thousands of travellers to visit Canada for up to six months for either business or leisure.

Zimbabwean Exemption Permits extended again

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has extended the Zimbabwean Exemption Permits (ZEP) for another six months.

According to Motsoaledi, the validity of the ZEP will be extended from 30 June to 31 December 2023.

The extension comes after the department had `approved thousands of waiver applications of the affected Zimbabwean nationals` and was `considering and approving waiver applications daily`.

`This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of visa and waiver applications. The Departmental Advisory Committee (DAC) led by Dr Cassius Lubisi is now dealing with the increased number of visa applications,` Motsoaledi said.

The department, said Motsoaledi, has been receiving between 1 000 and 1 500 visa and waiver applications daily, and more officials have been deployed to assist in processing the applications.

The extension period will now end on 31 December 2023.

Under the extension, no holder of a valid ZEP may be arrested, ordered to depart the country or be detained for deportation for any reason related to them not having a valid exemption certificate.

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The holder of a ZEP will be allowed to enter and exit South Africa, provided they comply with all entry or exit requirements. 

ZEP holders would not be required to present an exemption permit or authorisation letter to remain in the country during the extension period, Motsoaledi said.

During the economic and political strife in Zimbabwe in 2008 and 2009, many of the country`s citizens fled to South Africa.

At the time, the South African government created a blanket exemption so that Zimbabweans could get permits to live and work legally.

The permits were effectively extended by creating another permit over the years, which has since become known as the ZEP. More than 178 000 ZEP holders have been in South Africa for over a decade.

In December 2021, Motsoaledi announced that the ZEP would not be renewed.

The special permits were due to expire in December 2022, but an initial six-month extension was granted to allow people to apply for other available visas.

Motsoaledi is expected to request that International Relations and Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor issue a note verbale (a diplomatic communication from one government to another) to the Zimbabwean ambassador informing him of the extension

Double emigration blow for South Africa, leaving local businesses desperate for critical skills

South Africa faces a growing emigration problem, with large numbers of highly skilled young people potentially set to leave the country. Meanwhile, those who choose to remain are also increasingly looking to virtual emigration adding to the stresses local businesses already face when seeking critical skills.

Speaking at a roundtable on South Africa’s brain drain, Simonetta Guiricich from payroll services group Payroll said South Africa faces a mass exodus of talent over the coming years.

This comes as the country has already lost close to a million people to countries like the UK, Australia, the USA, New Zealand and Canada.

South Africa does not track emigrants. However, a recent report from the UN showed that 914,901 South Africans were living abroad in 2020, a significant jump from the 786,554 recorded in 2015.

The number of people who left South Africa between 2015 and 2020 over 128,000 people was roughly three times higher than the 43,000 people who emigrated between 2010 and 2015.

The United Kingdom has the largest South African diaspora, with nearly 250,000 people listing South Africa as their country of birth, followed by Australia, the USA and New Zealand.

However, the biggest concern among business leaders right now is that young, skilled people are the ones packing their bags to go.

“Of particular concern for SA is the steady and increasing number of departures by young, highly skilled individuals,” Guiricich said. “Projections indicate that the country could lose up to half of its university graduates (to emigration) in the coming years.”

In addition, virtual emigration is posing a new challenge in South Africa, especially for the tech sector.

An increasing number of local developers and data scientists a scarce skill for the country are working remotely for global companies.


Despite the brain drain having a dire effect on South African businesses, the panellists provided several ways that companies can deal with emigration.

For instance, skills developmental employee training is crucial for an effective retention strategy, as it constantly upskills employees at all levels.

Companies will thus have a deeper talent pool with the necessary skills, minimising the disruptions caused by employees emigrating.

Moreover, Leonie Pentz from AIMS South Africa said that workplace flexibility would likely help attract and retain key skills at companies.

“In an era where workplace flexibility and fluid employment arrangements are top priorities for workers, companies that offer such flexibility stand a better chance of attracting and retaining rare talent on a global scale,” Pentz said.

“As responsible leaders, we need to ensure we’re looking after our staff from a mental health point of view, as well as a personal one. Today, people want to work for companies they feel they are aligned with personally.”

Vanessa Raath, a global talent sourcing trainer, added that enhanced support for key talent is crucial, with a particular focus on leadership engagement, support and appreciation.

“What companies need to realise is that it’s not always a monetary kind of reward. A smaller company can offer more, a 4-day working week, and more flexibility about working from home [or abroad],” Raath said.

“The companies that I’m working with that are thriving from a global perspective are the SMEs because they are meeting the needs of each individual and what they want.”