Digital nomads weigh down hiring activity in SA’s IT sector

Digital nomads weigh down hiring activity in SA’s IT sector

IT web – 28 June 2022

Although IT continues to be the top-performing employment sector in South Africa, hiring activity in this area has declined by 3% in the last three months.

This is according to jobs portal CareerJunction’s Employment Insights report for April.

The report is based on data gathered from around 5 000 of the country’s top recruiters (both agencies and employers) that advertise their positions to millions of registered jobseekers.

CareerJunction attributes the dip in hiring activity in the local IT sector to increased emigration as travel restrictions are relaxed, as well as the growing trend of “digital nomads” in the IT space.

Digital nomads are people who conduct their life in a nomadic manner, while engaging in remote work using digital telecommunications technology.

In its previous report, the company said SA’s tech sector was steadily recovering from the slowdown in recruitment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It said hiring activity across job categories showed candidates in IT were among the most sought-after.

The jobs portal notes that in the coming months, there may be a drop in remote work opportunities, as a result of the recent lifting of the National State of Disaster.

However, it says, the fact that many businesses have already invested in remote working technology to attract top talent and reduce office overhead costs, means the trend is unlikely to disappear from the employment landscape any time soon.

Skills exodus

In the past three months, SA has seen an easing of COVID-19 lockdowns, safety protocols and travel restrictions.

The National State of Disaster was officially lifted on 5 April, and CareerJunction anticipates 2022 will continue to reflect a market recovery in terms of recruitment activity over the next three months.

Of late, local IT execs have expressed concern at the massive exodus of critical IT skills to overseas markets. This, as local talent has become a target of global firms that offer flexible working hours and foreign currency-denominated remuneration.

The top roles with remote working opportunities are software development, data analysis/data warehousing, systems/network administration and business analysis.

Meanwhile, the findings for Q4 2020 to Q1 2021 and Q4 2021 to Q1 2022 reveal volatile salary trends within the IT industry, says CareerJunction.

In contrast, the firm says professionals in account management, data analysis/data warehousing, human resources and financial/project accounting are being offered higher salaries compared to a year ago.

While there is no consistent change in the high end of salary offerings, advertised salary packages for roles in sales, finance and admin, office and support are generally at the same or at a better rate than a year ago.

In the IT sector, CareerJunction says software developers earn R60 000 to R70 000 a month, followed by system/network administrators who take home R45 000 to R55 000, while data analysts rake in R25 000 to R45 000.

Looking at the salary offerings for top in-demand IT skills, the firm says Java development skills attract R44 015 to R64 602 per month, C# development skills (R39 202 to R57 222), .Net development skills (R38 128 to R56 619) and full stack development skills (R36 791 to R59 073).

The report notes there has been a continued increase in recruitment activity over the last 13 months.

“This is encouraging because not only does it signify that employers are showing confidence in the local economy, but also that more opportunities are becoming available for jobseekers despite the ongoing challenges faced by the local economy,” says CareerJunction.

It says between March 2021 and March 2022, hiring activity increased by 39%. This is an uptake of 18% in job advertising, compared to the year-on-year stats for March 2020 to March 2021, it adds.

According to Stats SA’s latest Quarterly Employment Statistics report, released on 31 March 2022, there was a 6.7% increase in gross earnings between December 2020 and December 2021.

CareerJunction points out that although this statistic does not track to inflation, the news is still positive for South African employees.

Mighty Gauteng

Gross earnings increased by R44.3 billion from R783 billion in September 2021, to R827.3 billion in December 2021, equating to an increase of 5.7% in the final quarter of the year.

“This was largely due to increases in the following industries: trade, community services, manufacturing, business services, transport, construction and electricity. Year-on-year, gross earnings increased by R51.7 billion or (6.7%) between December 2020 and December 2021,” the jobs portal says.

Looking at recruitment per location, CareerJunction says it is no surprise that more than 50% of vacancies are based in Gauteng, South Africa's smallest province but largest economic hub.

It notes that just over 30% of job offers are in the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN).

“When we compare Q1 2022 to Q1 2020, Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN show an increased demand for professionals in the manufacturing and assembly sector (Gauteng +28%; Western Cape +23%; KZN +37%).”

It adds that a similar trend is evident for professionals in the admin, office and support sector (Gauteng +13%; Western Cape +3%; KZN +38%).

According to the jobs portal, building and construction professionals enjoy better employment prospects in Gauteng (+10%) and Western Cape (+9%), compared to two years ago.

KZN has shown a decline in demand for building and construction professionals over the last two years (-23%); however, this trend is likely to change in the coming months as a result of the recent flooding and damage in the province, it concludes.



This is going to cause chaos in SA': Fears expressed over Zimbabwe Extension Permit cancellation

This is going to cause chaos in SA': Fears expressed over Zimbabwe Extension Permit cancellation

News 24 – 27 June 2022


Illegal Immigrants, most of them from Zimbabwe, are smashed against a fence at the entrance of a refugee centre June 17, 2008, in Johannesburg, South Africa. In 2008, with the economic collapse of Zimbabwe and widespread political oppression, more than 3 million Zimbabweans flooded across the border into South Africa. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

  • People who hold the Zimbabwe Extension Permit are worried that they will not qualify for any of the "mainstream" visas that they now have to apply for.
  • If they don't fall into any of the very specific visa categories, they have to return to Zimbabwe, displacing an entire generation of children who have never set foot there.
  • Activists warn that this is going to create chaos in a country already reeling from the othering and vigilantism directed at Zimbabwean expatriates.

Zimbabwean expatriates are scrambling to apply for a visa to continue living in South Africa after their Zimbabwe Extension Permits (ZEP) expired in December.

If they are unsuccessful, in some cases, an entire generation of children will be forced to relocate with their parents to a country they may never even have visited.

However, according to Department of Home Affairs spokesperson Siya Qoza, the agent VFS Global has only received 2 301 visa applications and 3 014 waiver applications from the exemption holders. A special team at the department is still working through these for final approval.

According to the records of the department, a total number of 178 412 Zimbabwean nationals were granted exemptions.

"It must however be noted that some of them did not renew their permits, and as such they lapsed. While others either migrated to other visas or left the country," said Qoza.

In November 2021, the department announced that the ZEP would not be extended again, and all holders of this special permit had until 31 December 2021 to apply for a visa to stay in South Africa.

The ZEP cancellation and requirement to apply for a new visa aligns with the department's review of all visas issued from as far back as 2004, but Zimbabweans are the only ones who have to reapply for a visa at the moment.


This appears to contradict the White Paper on International Migration, which painstakingly sets out the democratic South African government's commitment to undo the apartheid-era's preference for white immigrants, and restricting permits to black migrants who were contributing to the country's cheap labour pool of mine and farm workers.  

Zimbabwean nationals arrived in a larger group than usual in South Africa around 2008, during a period of hyperinflation, food shortages, empty government coffers, and severe political uncertainty back home.

A government of national unity was eventually formed in 2009 between Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe. Still, trust issues often saw it hit the rocks. So many in the country who had had enough of the constant anxiety and hardship, decided to leave.

After borders were declared during the various colonial wars, a long history began of miners, farmers and cross-border traders coming to South Africa.  

Around 40 000 white "Rhodesians" who did not want to live under a black government, known as "when wes", settled in South Africa after 1980, with few residency and work problems.

The two countries also have a shared recent history of supporting each other during the struggle against colonialism and the white governments that discriminated against black people. South Africa was heavily criticised for not speaking out on complaints of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe.

However, after the sudden swell of people applying for asylum or refugee status during the political and economic turmoil, in April 2009, Cabinet created the Dispensation of Zimbabweans Project.

Home affairs minister at the time, Malusi Gigaba, said this was a "significant gesture of support and solidarity" with Zimbabweans.

During the project, he said a total of 295 000 Zimbabweans had applied for the permit, and just over 245 000 had been issued. Those who were refused either had a criminal record, lacked a passport, or did not fulfil other requirements. The permit gave the holder the same rights as South Africans, except voting rights. In many cases, recipients handed in their asylum permits.

The introduction of the permit coincided with a horrific wave of xenophobia in South Africa. However, the government dismissed accusations of xenophobia, saying the attacks on people and shops were by "criminals''.

But anti-Zimbabwean sentiment appears to have resurfaced again, with Zimbabweans being accused of taking jobs that South Africans could be doing.

The permit allows Zimbabweans to work in South Africa, and has offered a level of protection against harassment, but now there are worries that not qualifying for a visa could lead to great upheaval, in spite of years of working in and contributing to SA's economy.

The invitation to apply for a visa may sound positive to an outsider, but to Zimbabweans trying to get one, it is a nightmare, with horrifying consequences for those who fail.

Lawyer Simba Chitango told News24:

This is going to create a humanitarian disaster.

Last year Chitango unsuccessfully tried to get home affairs to cancel the reapplication process.

He is preparing a similar court application again on the grounds that Zimbabweans who have lived here for most of their working lives should, by now, have the right to have their ZEPs converted to permanent residence.

He explained that ZEP holders must choose from different specific visa categories. These include business, study, spousal, and work visas. Applicants must find one that best suits their situation.

However, to get a work visa, the applicant must prove they are filling a critical skill post and that their employer cannot find an equally qualified South African for the job.

Published on the department's website, the critical skills list sets out the highly specialised jobs that meet the criteria for this visa category. Many are in the sciences, such as astrophysicists, making it difficult for general workers to meet the requirements.

"Not everybody is a rocket scientist," said Chitango.

WATCH | Podcast companion: The Story of Joseph Dhafana

Joseph Dhafana is one of the thousands of Zimbabweans who hold a Zimbabwean Exemption Permit. He has until the end of this year to migrate to another permit, but if his application for a business permit is unsuccessful, he faces deportation.

The Helen Suzman Foundation also intends going to court to challenge the sudden decision to terminate the permits at the end of the year.

"They will be put to a desperate choice: to remain in South Africa as undocumented migrants with all the vulnerability that attaches to such status or return to a Zimbabwe that, to all intents and purposes, is unchanged from the country they fled. There are thousands of children who have been born in South Africa to ZEP holders during this time who have never even visited their parents’ country of origin."It is not the position of HSF that those migrants who are in South Africa unlawfully should be entitled to remain, nor even that the ZEP must continue in perpetuity. Rather, our position is that those who have scrupulously observed South Africa’s laws in order to live and work here under the ZEP cannot have such permits terminated without fair process, good reason and a meaningful opportunity to regularise their status."

Mercy Dube, a volunteer with Global South Against Xenophobia, said the updated critical skills list alone was going to exclude almost all of the ZEP holders who apply.

"It is done deliberately so that Zimbabwe nationals will be displaced," she said.

Many people don't have critical skills because they are waiters, domestic workers, general workers.

A critical skills applicant must also supply a letter from the Department of Labour, confirming that they are providing the critical skill. The employer must also advertise the reason for hiring a foreign national for that job.

Dube said that despite DHA's instructions to banks and financial institutions not to freeze accounts or withhold services during the grace period, this was not always adhered to.

My biggest fear is losing my bank card.


She said that, at floor level, clerks said they could not get a replacement bank card if it was lost or stolen, because their ZEP had expired, and that the same was sometimes experienced by people renewing their driver's licences.

Dube added that there was a perception that the study visa was an easy "in", but it came with a host of financial commitments - fees paid up in full, checks that classes are attended, and proof of medical aid cover.

Immigration lawyer Gary Eisenberg wrote in a column in the Mail & Guardian in 2019 that the Department of Home Affairs' business permit section was so inefficient that it couldn't support the commitment by President Cyril Ramaphosa that "South Africa is open for business".

According to Eisenberg, it is no better in 2022. And, it has become even worse for small business owners.

"They are screwed," he said.

To qualify for the business visa, the applicant had to prove a R5-million investment in South Africa, something that was impossible for a small shop owner or a small business owner like a hairdresser, Eisenberg said.

They could apply for a waiver, but this had to be personally signed off by the minister of home affairs, and experience had shown that it took a minimum of one year to be approved.

"Come 1 January 2023, 150 000 people are going to be subjected to leaving South Africa for Zimbabwe. With nobody waiting on the other side," warned Eisenberg.

Recognising that its visa services were severely backlogged, the department appointed private company VFS Global Services to deal with the visa applications in 2014, and it was only possible to apply for a visa through them, although DHA had the final say on whether it was granted.

The costs associated with the application are also high. 

According to Qoza, the VFS service fee is R1 550, and the DHA cost between R425 or R1 520-00 depending on the category of the visa.


Sources say there are also hidden costs: an average R850 for a radiography report to rule out contagious diseases, the cost of a general health report, the cost of police clearance, and between R3000 to R4000 to get a Zimbabwe passport issued for the application if necessary.

According to DHA statements, VFS do this at no charge to the overwhelmed DHA.

Eisenberg describes VFS as a "professional world-class five-star service," which stepped in at a time when almost 50% of visa applications simply went missing at home affairs.

"Home affairs is simply incapable of supply chain control from the front office to the back office. And they are always trying to reinvent themselves," he said.

Activist against xenophobia Roshila Nair becomes increasingly angry as she talks about the visa process for ZEP holders.

She said: 

The ZEP signals a kind of state xenophobia. It gives people a licence to target Zimbabweans, and it is women and children who are affected the most.

Nair said she was not surprised that so few applications had been received for the visas.

She said Zimbabweans were already subjected to spot checks at their workplaces, harassment by Operation Dudula and PutSouthAfricaFirst activists, and were constantly hazed on social media, with this sometimes even supported by prominent figures and some police officers.

Many were fearful and traumatised by vigilante attacks and othering, especially after the murder of Elvis Nyathi in Diepsloot by vigilantes.  

Residents in Diepsloot said they would be able to sleep on Thursday night as police patrolled the streets following a spate of killings and protests in the community.

"It needs a diplomatic resolution from the state. At first it is the ZEP, and tomorrow it is going to be another group."

Edward Muchatuta, the national co-ordinator of the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit Association, said the government had made ZEP holders think they would be all be eligible for the "mainstream" visas that fall under the Immigration Act.

"This is a total lie. They knew people wouldn't qualify for a mainstream permit."

He warned that people now realised that they would probably not qualify for any category of visa and might opt to continue living in South Africa without one, or any protective documentation.

He is particularly worried about the fate of the children of adults who could be deported to Zimbabwe.

According the Qoza, as matters stand, the validity of the exemptions has been extended until 31 December 2022, including those of children.

"Once the applicant has been issued with one or other visa, he or she will continue to proceed to regularise the legal status of the children," he explained.

Muchatuta said ZEP holders were on edge over their children's education, particularly if they were rejected for a visa.

He said:

Children in Grade 11 now will have to go to Zimbabwe for their final year of schooling next year, but the South African syllabus is totally different to the Zimbabwe syllabus.

They would most likely fail their finals and battle to go to tertiary education or find work.

"This will put them on the streets."

Also a truck driver, Muchatuta said the systemic discrimination against Zimbabweans in crucial truck driving networks was already at a crisis point. 

During a blockade of the N3 on Thursday, he said the government only stepped in if South Africans were at risk of attack. 

"If it were migrants attacking locals, this would have been attended to," he said.

He said he was extremely concerned about the lack of communication from the Zimbabwean government over what arrangements, if any, had been made to help resettle returning Zimbabweans and was trying to get information from the Zimbabwean government about the people he is helping.

He said the average price of a small plot was about $5 000, which most returning Zimbabweans would not have.

"How can a domestic worker who earned R2 500 a month afford it?" he asked.

"This is going to cause chaos in South Africa," he said.


The government of Zimbabwe is encouraging its nationals in South Africa under the ZEP to apply for other permits available if they want to stay in the country.

In an interview with News24, Livit Mugejo, Zimbabwe's foreign affairs and international trade spokesperson, said: "Zimbabwe recognises and respects the sovereign decision of the government of South Africa."

A decision was taken by the South African government that when the permits expire in December this year, those who don't have other permits to stay in the country would have to go back to Zimbabwe.

Those who wish to stay would have to do so under new requirements. 

"Immigration laws are made by the receiving government. As such, our government is encouraging the Zimbabweans in South Africa to meet the new requirements and apply for the other permits.

"Zimbabweans are still free to stay, study and do business in South Africa as long as they secure alternative visa permits," he said.

South Africans, refugees and migrants use judo to fight xenophobia

In Johannesburg's Alexandra township , a recently renovated building serves has the first "dojo" of this deprived neighbourhood. Around 20 schoolchildren are here to "learn to live together", according to the coordinator of the "Judo for Peace" organisation. "Friendship, respect they are all things that are taught on the mat, on the tatami , as we...

Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Community in SA, Nqabutho Nicholas Mabhena, said they were waiting for the South African government to amend the Immigration Act.

"We don't know what the final amendment will be like. We are not very sure if the proposals contained in the wide pact on international migration as gazetted in 2017 will be carried forward. So, on our part it's a wait and see on how South Africa is going to proceed," he said.

At the time the ZDP permits were introduced, almost a million Zimbabweans were estimated to be living and working in South Africa. 

With the expiry of the permits, Mugejo reminded Zimbabweans that they would be treated like any other foreigner in SA.

"Zimbabweans are now being treated just like any other foreign nationals who are living in SA and are, therefore, required to have permits that other foreign nationals similarly obtained," he said.Zimbabwe's ambassador to South Africa, David Hamadziripi, told News24 that government officials had met with their South African counterparts in May to allow for minimal disruption of the lives of Zimbabweans as the permits expire.

"We have been engaged in talks with SA so that we can communicate the right information to our people, because without adequate knowledge, their lives would be disrupted largely because of confusion," he said.

He added that the Zimbabwean government had put in place mechanisms to assist those who already wanted to return home.

In the meantime, the holders of Lesotho Extension Permits would also have to go through the same process when their permits expired at the end of December 2023.




Government's decision to end permit for Zimbabweans is shameful

Government's decision to end permit for Zimbabweans is shameful

News 24 – 27 June 2022

2022 arrives, Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, like his peers in Cabinet, will be with their families and will not have to fear being displaced from a country they've called home. 

Instead, this will be the reality for thousands of Zimbabweans who will be affected by Cabinet's decision made last December to cancel, without consideration, the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP). 

The resolve was made without due regard for what would happen to tens of thousands of people who came to South Africa seeking nothing but a better life, and whose lives will now be upended by this decision.

The exemption permits were granted to more than 250 000 Zimbabweans who were among more than estimated two million who migrated to neighbouring countries at the height of Zimbabwe's political and economic crisis in 2008 and 2009. 

The temporary measure was meant to regularise their presence in South Africa and allow Zimbabweans access to services such as banking. But now government has decided to cancel this measure without putting proper plans in place.

The one-year grace period expires at the end of this year. 

In justifying government's decision, Motsoaledi bemoaned how "people keep blaming the immigration services of South Africa, as if when one country creates a crisis, the country closest to it must respond by building the requisite capacity to deal with that crisis. That's the logic here".

The thing is, the South African government did play a role in the political crises that engulfed Zimbabwe, resulting in the economic crises, by allowing the Mugabe regime to get away with rigging the 2002 election and many other crimes after that.

There's much to be said about former president Thabo Mbeki's complicity in the actions of the Mugabe regime as was revealed by the Khampepe report, which government spent 12 years blocking from becoming public. 

Those who got caught in the crossfire of the political and economic crises in Zimbabwe did all they could to flee for a better life, turning to neighbouring South Africa for refuge. 

Now, these people face further displacement as they risk deportation once the ZEP expires at the end of the year.  

Those who left Zimbabwe and settled in South Africa, have called this home for over 10 years. They have had children here and built their lives here. 

As you will see in News24's Unwelcomed Neighbours, the decision to revoke the permit affects all types of people from across the social spectrum. It impacts on teachers, truck drivers and doctors. It will separate families and leave others stranded without cars or access to banking.

It interrupts university students who were trying to complete their degrees and it affects people like Angeline, who has been living and working in South Africa for near on a decade, but will not be able to seek treatment for brain cancer at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, without a valid permit.

She is currently in remission, but fears for her life. Gladys says she has sleepless nights because she does not even have a home in Zimbabwe. "l don't know where I am going to live when I get deported. I am going to sleep in the street because l have nowhere to go to," she said. 

Others like Kelvin Chunyemba are worried about what this decision means for their children.

"The main issue is with kids who are going to school. Some are already at a higher level, so changing them to a new different curriculum is a big obstacle. Now the banks are threatening to freeze the accounts. It's all a mess," he said. 

As many activists and ordinary people affected by this decision will tell you, government's processes make applying for another permit difficult and sometimes almost impossible. 

People like Obey Shana want to comply with government's decision, but believe a grace period of one year does not give them enough time to sort out their lives, to either return to Zimbabwe or to apply for the necessary documentation in South Africa. 

What further stood out for us in probing the impact of Cabinet's decision to end the ZEP was the fear among ordinary Zimbabweans of being identified. They are worried that they will fall victim to movements like Operation Dudula, who have been emboldened in their xenophobia by government's decision. 

With just six months to go until the permit is cancelled, tens of thousands of Zimbabweans - our neighbours - will no longer be welcome in South Africa and their lives will be turned upside down again. In the spirit of ubuntu, we should all be ashamed.



Home affairs department fails to serve citizens and non-nationals

Home affairs department fails to serve citizens and non-nationals

Mail & Guardian - 27 Jun 2022

services provided by the department of home affairs are of primary importance to everyone residing in South Africa, both citizens and non-nationals. It is crucial to have a functioning department that can handle the civic needs of citizens and non-nationals. The department’s failures are well-documented and well-known to any South African who has tried to apply for an identity document, passport, or register their child’s birth. 

It has become an accepted norm that one may have to take time off from everyday commitments to queue outside one of the department’s offices for hours. Even then, assistance is not guaranteed. On most days, the system is down and only a handful of people can be assisted. Repeat visits to a local department office are a norm before successful assistance can be received.

While the relationship between the department and South African citizens has proven to be a frustrating challenge for most, its relationship with asylum seekers and refugees is in a worse state of atrophy. South Africa is arguably a major destination for displaced people seeking refuge, and economic migrants as well. As such, the country needs a proactive and progressive department to address these different immigration needs. 

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), South Africa currently hosts about 77 000 recognised refugees and 187 000 asylum seekers. While the exact number of undocumented persons in the country is unknown, Statistics South Africa estimates that about 3.95 million people in South Africa are foreign born. This number includes “migrants of all types and is collated regardless of legal status”. This estimation correlates with the World Bank Group’s 2018 report that 3% to 7% of persons living in South Africa may be non-nationals. Given South Africa’s estimated population of 60 million, the implication is that between 1.8 and 4.2 million individuals may be of foreign origin. 

The department has a duty to facilitate, regulate and execute South Africa’s immigration laws and policies, and must do so in a manner that complies with the international laws it is signatory to, and with human rights standards. This has not always been the case. Through its refugee reception offices and accompanying services, the department has the power to accept, process and adjudicate applications for asylum. 

The department holds the key to the future of asylum seekers, refugees, and children born to them. While the laws and policies that govern asylum seekers and refugees in South Africa have been regarded as largely progressive, refugees and asylum seekers are increasingly facing difficulties in accessing their rights as a result of policies and practices that prevent them from regularising their stays. The closure of three refugee reception offices has also been central to this.

In 2011, the Johannesburg and Gqeberha refugee reception offices were closed with the intention of moving all refugee reception offices to border areas to speed up and streamline the asylum process — or so the department said. Asylum seekers and refugees who opened their files at these offices had to travel to Durban, Musina or Pretoria to renew their permits, go for interviews, or join family members to their files.  

Long distance travel is unaffordable to most in South Africa, including asylum seekers and refugees. Some will have to make the trip multiple times or stay around the refugee reception office for extended periods because offices may decide to assist specific nationals on a particular day of the week. The Gqeberha refugee reception office reopened after prolonged litigation but the Johannesburg office remains permanently closed.

On 30 June 2012, the Cape Town refugee reception office closed to new applications for similar reasons. Although the office remains open to existing asylum seekers and refugees, those who had not applied for asylum at the Cape Town office prior to 30 June 2012 are in the same position as those who initially applied in Johannesburg and Gqeberha. After prolonged litigation launched in 2012 by the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) on behalf of the Scalabrini Centre and the Somali Association for South Africa, the supreme court of appeal in 2017 held that the decision to close the Cape Town refugee reception office was unlawful and directed the department to re-open the office to new applications. Because of the department’s failure to comply with this order, and a fresh application being launched by the LRC on behalf of its clients, the Western Cape high court in 2021 ordered that the matter should be placed under case management, requiring the department to provide the court with monthly progress reports. The Cape Town refugee reception office remains closed to new applications. 

With the declaration of the national state of disaster in 2020, all refugee reception offices were closed to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, meaning that the immigration services available to asylum seekers and refugees were further limited. Although the department granted a blanket extension to asylum seekers or refugees whose permits expired during the lockdown, no provision was made for new asylum seekers to obtain documentation. 

In April 2021, the department introduced an online system through which existing asylum seekers and refugees could apply for a permit extension. This was an attempt to ensure that asylum seekers and refugees remain documented but many reported a lack of feedback on the status of their application or any acknowledgement whatsoever that an application was received. 

Asylum seekers and refugees are not new to the bureaucratic inefficiencies, poor infrastructure, and corruption of the department. The closure of refugee reception offices arguably implies a systematic attempt to reduce the asylum population by limiting service centres, and inadvertently overburdening remaining offices with applications. Some applicants have been waiting for recognition of their status for more than 12 years. 

The department’s failure to effectively provide immigration services has dire consequences for asylum seekers and refugees who are often left undocumented for months or years. They risk losing employment and accommodation and may be deported even if they have a valid refugee claim. When an asylum seeker is finally interviewed to determine whether they may be declared as a refugee, the chances of success are poor – 96% of applications are rejected, often based on “poor decision-making and lack of sound reasoning”.

In 2021, the department announced that the Refugee Appeal Authority — the administrative tribunal that considers applications rejected by the refugee status determination officer — faces a backlog of more than 153 000 applications. The auditor general has indicated that, should the department continue to operate as it does, it will take 68 years to address the backlog without factoring in any new applications. The consequence of the backlog is that many individuals entitled to asylum or refugee status are stuck without knowing whether they should build a new life for themselves in South Africa while they remain on the fringes of legality. 

South Africa’s Constitution guarantees the basic human rights of all people. Without documentation, these rights are illusory for many.


Understanding the Helen Suzman Foundation Zimbabwean permit case against Home Affairs

Understanding the Helen Suzman Foundation Zimbabwean permit case against Home Affairs

Groundup - 27 Jun 2022

Hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans living in South Africa may find themselves undocumented on 1 January 2023. The HSF is trying to stop this.

The Helen Suzman Foundation (HSF) is taking the Minister of Home Affairs to court, seeking to set aside what it describes as a “hasty, untransparent and ill-considered” decision not to renew, beyond December of this year, the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit (Zep).

About 178,000 Zimbabwean nationals live, study and work legally in South Africa with the Zep. The permit was first introduced 13 years ago to regularise the status of the many Zimbabweans living in the country.

The HSF says in its application, filed in the Pretoria high court, that the Zep was introduced in recognition of the dire situation in Zimbabwe and to alleviate pressure on the Department of Home Affairs in processing applications for asylum.

But now, they face becoming “undocumented” at the end of this year.

HSF executive director Nicole Fritz says in her affidavit that this will expose Zimbabwean immigrants to dangers of xenophobic attacks, extortion, detention and deportation.

They will lose their jobs, businesses and homes. They will lose access to banking services. Their children could be denied access to schooling, medical care and social services and they will be forced to return to Zimbabwe.

“They will be put to a desperate choice: to remain in South Africa as undocumented migrants with all the vulnerability that attaches to such status or return to a Zimbabwe that, to all intents and purposes, is unchanged from the country they fled.

“There are thousands of children who have been born in South Africa to Zep holders during this time who have never even visited their parents’ country of origin,” Fritz said.

The HSF wants a judge to rule that the minister’s decision, announced in January this year, to terminate the Zep is unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid, and that it be reviewed and remitted back to the minister for reconsideration “using a fair process” involving meaningful engagement with those affected and civil society.

“We do not contend that the minister is obliged to extend exemptions in perpetuity, nor do we argue that permit holders may never have their permits withdrawn. This case concerns the manner in which the minister reached his decision,” Fritz says.

“It should have been taken following a fair process, for good reason and with a meaningful opportunity for permit holders to regularise their status.

“A decision of this consequence, impacting more than 178,000 people, required proper information on who would be affected, including children, and a careful assessment of the current conditions in Zimbabwe,” Fritz said.

She said the minister’s “silence on the impact” coupled with an absence of any meaningful justification, threatened to reinforce and entrench xenophobic attitudes towards the permit holders.

“It suggests their lives and rights are of lesser concern and may be disregarded entirely in pursuit of political expediency.

“This unavoidable impression is reinforced by the minister’s press statement in which he claimed to have received overwhelming support of the decision by South African citizens expressed in messages widely circulated on social media.

“A brief search of these posts turns up countless messages expressing xenophobic attitudes, crude stereotypes and hate speech,” Fritz said.

She said economic and political conditions in Zimbabwe had not materially changed.

In fact, reports by credible international organisations such as the World Bank, the IMF and Human Rights Watch, were unanimous that conditions remain dire, that poverty rates were rising alarmingly and political life was characterised by widespread violence and social upheaval.

There were also legal and practical barriers to the permit holders obtaining alternative visas.

Four permit holders, including a Johannesburg teacher, have put up affidavits in support of the application, highlighting their fears for their future, and that of their families, should their permits lapse at the end of December.

The Minister and Director-General of Home Affairs have four weeks to file opposing affidavits.