Visa Extension South Africa

Visa Extension South Africa

SA Migration |  06 Dec 2022

What is a visa extension?

A SA visa extension is an application to renew your existing visa to extend your stay in South Africa. The visa extension is an entirely new application. Applicants must get the necessary paperwork to submit to VFS who collects the visa applications on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs. A submission for a visa renewal does not mean that you will automatically receive an extension as the Department of Home Affairs will decide to either approve or reject your visa. If your visa has been rejected then you need to follow the visa appeal process South Africa.

Not all visas can be renewed or extended and in this particular scenario, the applicant must leave the country before their visa expires or you might receive a penalty for overstaying in South Africa on an expired visa.

The visas that may not be extended:

  • Corporate Workers Visa.
  • Tourists visas with a condition not being allowed to extend.

Depending on your visa and the conditions attached, you may or may not be allowed to extend it. Temporary residence visas, on the other hand, can be extended and no limit is applied to the number of times you can apply for a renewal.

Visa Appeal Process South Africa

Visa Appeal Process South Africa

SA Migration | 05 Dec 2022

It is incredibly heartbreaking to know that your application for a visa has been rejected by the Department of Home Affairs and not to imagine the anxiety you must be feeling at this point.

We understand all the effort you have dedicated towards this and now you need to deal with the rejection. It could feel like your dreams are crushed, but not to worry.

Today we are discussing the ins and outs of a refused visa and what you can do about it.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let us discuss something you should know before appealing.

What you need to know:

• What you need to know:

• South Africa visa rejection reasons

• How to appeal for a visa refusal in South Africa

o We recommend the following steps:

 Step 1: Read the refusal letter

 Step 2: Check your documents for any errors

 Things you need to check for:

 Step 3: Writing a refusal letter:

• What documents are required for a visa appeal?

• VFS Appeal Fee South Africa

o Submitting Abroad:

 Fees for an appeal:

• VFS appeal processing time

According to the immigration regulation sections 8(4) and 8(6), an applicant can appeal a rejected visa application.

The applicant has 2 chances to appeal, where the first appeal is sent to the Director General of Home Affairs and the second appeal is directly sent to the Minister of Home Affairs.

The applicant has 10 working days (weekends not included) to appeal the outcome and this regulation counts locally in South Africa including abroad at a South African embassy.

South Africa visa rejection reasons

 There are many reasons why visas or permits are rejected but we will list here whatever springs to mind:

• The applicant does not qualify for the visa being applied for

• Omitted documents from the visa application

• Submitting with a fake existing visa

• The Department of Home Affairs incorrectly adjudicated the visa and misinterpreted the immigration act

• Did not satisfy all the requirements

• Submitting expired time-sensitive documents

• Submitting an application in SA on a visit visa

• Criminal record

• Mental or serious illness

These are just some of the reasons we could think of but there are many reasons why applicants’ visas could be rejected.

How to appeal for a visa refusal in South Africa

The first thing you would need to do is collect your outcome from VFS at the centre you initially submitted it.

At this point, you won’t know what the outcome of your is at this point.

Once you have received the outcome, you would have 10 days to submit the appeal.

We understand at this point you would be freaking out and feeling disappointed.

The relatives visa South Africa processing time can take about 5 months to process and a normal temporary residence visa could also take about 5 months.

We recommend the following steps:

Step 1: Read the refusal letter

You need to thoroughly read through the refusal letter to find out why your application has been refused. The Department of Home Affairs would cite the reason why your visa or permit application has been rejected and mention the 10-day time frame.

We recommend that you obtain or satisfy the reason why your visa or permit has been rejected.

Once you have completed this, we would advise you to navigate to the VFS website and print the list of requirements for the visa you are applying for.

Once you have the list, double-check your application against the list to see that you have all the required documents.

Step 2: Check your documents for any errors

The next thing you need to do is check every document for any errors.

Things you need to check for:

1. All your information is consistent throughout the application like names, surnames, passport numbers etc.

2. Ensure that all your documents are still valid and not expired medical, and radiology are not older than 6 months and certified documents are not older than 3 months.

3. Ensure that all documents are certified or notarised by a notary or commissioner of oaths.

4. All foreign qualifications must be accompanied by a SAQA certificate.

5. All letters and 3rd party letters are in the format that Home Affairs requires them to be.

6. Ensure that all 3rd party processes are complete and include proof thereof when applying for work visas.

Checking your entire visa application allows you to eliminate any errors which might lead to rejection again. So we want to eliminate any possible causes further down the line as we are only allowed to submit 2 appeals and wasting them would be detrimental to you.

If you do not qualify for the visa or permit you are applying for, then there is no way you can appeal it. You must seek an alternative visa which you qualify for and apply for it.

Submitting an application with a fake visa or you have overstayed your visa, then you must first rectify this by submitting an appeal for that and once this has been cleared from your name then only can you go ahead and apply for the visa.

Step 3: Writing a refusal letter:

You will need to write and sign your representation/motivation appeal letter which must include information that will assist the Director General or Minister in making a fair decision.

Your letter must contain the following:

• Address to the Department of Home Affairs Pretoria (Head Office)

• Date

• Addressed to the Director General or Minister

• Cite your response

• include signature

• Thank the Department

What documents are required for a visa appeal?

 You can only appeal once you have collected the outcome of the refusal.

The following documents must be submitted:

• Completed VFS Online Form

• Have original documents on hand for verification while submitting photocopies for any visa/permit

• Valid passport

• Copy of the rejection letter from the Department of Home Affairs

• Copy of your passport and copy of your latest visa/permit that was issued to you

• Your written signed representation/motivation for an appeal in response to the rejection letter which includes any information that would assist the Director General or Minister to make an informed decision when considering your appeal.

• Supporting documents that you wish to include.

• Proof of the VFS funds paid.

VFS Appeal Fee South Africa

Once you are complete with your application and happy that it is 100%, the next step is scheduling your appointment with VFS to submit your appeal for processing.

Protip: If there are no appointments available within the 10-day mark, we suggest you go to VFS and insist that you want to submit.

VFS will not accept your appeal after the 10-day mark, they will simply refuse to assist you.

If there are appointments within the 10 days, we recommend that you book a slot and then submit your application.

Submitting Abroad:

Submitting a refusal appeal abroad works slightly different. If the South African embassy is not contracted to VFS then you would need to find out how they prefer submission for appeals.

Some South African embassies would request form 49 to be accompanied with your application.

Fees for an appeal:

VFS Fees – R 1550.00

Home Affairs – No fees

Remember to include your receipt within your application.

VFS appeal processing time

Your appeal could take anything between 5 months to nearly 2 years.

We advise that after 1 month of waiting, you follow up with them by consistently emailing them every week.

For example the relative visa South Africa processing time takes about 5 to 8 months because of Covid 19.

Once a week is enough as you do not want to irritate them. Set a reminder to mail them every Monday and include the following details in your email:

• You reference number (Include a scanned copy)

• Name & Surname

• Type of application

• When you submitted

Do this every week and you are sure to receive a reply from them. The most important thing is you need to be consistent. Even if there is no reply, you need to be consistent.

Contact us today to assist you with your immigration needs. We have years of experience working on overturning a refusal and we can give you the best advice for your situation. Refused applications do not need to be complex and let us take the stress out of the application for you this refusal will be a walk in the park for you,

Temporary residence refusal and permanent residence refusal are what we specialize in. Contact us today for our refusal service

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 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :

What you need to know about fake work permits in South Africa

What you need to know about fake work permits in South Africa

SA Migration |  05 Dec 2022

You might have obtained your work permit recently and second-guessing whether your visa is valid or not, this is a tricky situation to be in. There are many people out there who pretend to be immigration consultants or immigration lawyers only to scam you and issue you with a fake visa. The worst is being arrested or being detained in South Africa for something that you are not responsible and the Department of Home Affairs is coming down hard on these individuals.

Many who don’t qualify for the critical skills are always looking at applying for the general work visa for South Africa and thus one of the most popular options to forge it because of how difficult it is to obtain it. While this could be true many temporary residence permits are forged throughout South Africa. How to apply for a General Work Permit in South Africa or apply for a work permit South Africa the right way.

Beware of people who guarantee you a visa, as no one in this industry can do that, not even the most experienced immigration consultant or immigration lawyer. There has been news of many immigration consultants who have promised people a permit and blackmailed immigration officials to approve these cases. Be careful of which services you make use of and always apply due diligence. The South African Department of Home Affairs will hold you accountable for any forged documents.

If you are considering applying for temporary permits then you need to ensure that you are making use of professional services. If you wondering how much does a work permit cost in South Africa. We created a blog post in detail about the cost.

To avoid getting a fake work visa, using reputable immigration agents South Africa will assist in getting a valid visa for you.

Many foreigners are working without a work permit in South Africa.

We have created a handy guide for you to read and to keep close, we would advise that you bookmark this blog post so that you can always reference it back and forth when you need the information.

Is my work permit fake?

Table of Contents

• Is my work permit fake?

o How do I know if my work permit is real?

• How do I check if my work permit is valid?

o You can use the following methods to verify:

o I would recommend keeping the following proof:

o Which visas can be obtained fraudulently?

• So when can you be arrested in SA?

• What to do if you are arrested with a fraudulent visa?

So currently there are two ways that a work visa can be forged and it’s important to understand the differences. Once you understand the different methods of fraudulent ways then you have a starting point to investigate from.

1. A work permit can be forged to look like a real visa, but this has not been printed and entered into the Department of Home Affairs system. So there is no record that it has been issued and details of your particulars.


2. Another way of obtaining a “permit” is through a corrupt Home Affairs official who you pay to illegally issue you a permit. The visa is entered onto DHA’s systems but your application has not been screened against the requirements.

How do I know if my work permit is real?

If you made use of an agency or person to get your visa and are worried if its a fraudulent visa then there are certain things you can look at with regards to the visas:

• The words used on the visa would differ from the standard wording on a legally obtained visa.

• There will be colour variations between a fraudulent and legally obtained visa.

• The fonts would be different.

• Your particulars would not be stored or listed on the Department of Home Affairs systems.

• Extremely high fees to get the permit.

Furthermore, there are more important things you can take into consideration if your permit is fraudulent:

• If the person representing you has not requested you to submit your application through VFS then this is a major red flag. All applicants in South Africa are required to submit their applications through VFS.

• You are not allowed to apply for a change of status in SA meaning that if you are on a visit visa then you cannot apply for a work permit.

• Have yourself assessed with an alternative immigration agency to find out if you qualify

If you are paying a home affairs official to get your visa, then you would be held responsible when caught and can face deportation or imprisonment.

Our advice is that it’s better to go the legal route, even though it might take longer and not as quick as you would like. The immigration agent or lawyer can tell you immediately if you qualify or what you need to do to qualify.

How do I check if my work permit is valid?

There are various ways you can check if your work permit is valid in South Africa but you have to tread carefully as the Department of Home Affairs will hold you accountable for this in which you could be banned, fined or imprisoned. Therefore it is in your best interest to check if the person assisting you has a registered business, registered for tax and VAT.

You can use the following methods to verify:

• Email the verifications department:

• Call the verifications department: 012 406 – 4432

• Walk into the Department of Home Affairs to find out from an immigration officer.

When making use of a representative to apply on your behalf we recommend that you keep a trail of paperwork and any communication. This is the best way so that you have proof if ever you are arrested and detained, in this way a lawyer can represent you which you would have proof.

Before you apply make sure that you have applied your due diligence to the person representing you. 

You can verify if your family visa South Africa is valid for example.

I would recommend keeping the following proof:

• Email trails

• Record all phone calls

• Keep invoices

• Record all in-person meetings

The more proof you have the better and keep these in a safe place where they are easily accessible should you need them in future.

We recommend that corporate businesses verify an applicants work permit as they can be held accountable for employing a foreign national with fraudulent papers.

Accompanying spouses in South Africa must apply for their own independent work visa as they are not allowed to work whilst on a dependent visa. There is no such thing as a accompanying spouse work permit in South Africa.

Which visas can be obtained fraudulently?

• General Work Visas

• Spouse Visas

• Life Partner Permits

• Study Permits

• Retirement Permits

• Critical Skills Visas

• Corporate Visas

• Intra-company transfer visas

• Relatives permits

• Permanent residence permits

So when can you be arrested in SA?

The South African immigration act mentions the following when you are considered to be in contravention of the act:

• In possession of a fraudulent or fake permit

• Expired permit

• Not adhering to the conditions of your visa.

• Not in possession of a visa

The experience of being arrested in SA is not a good one and therefore always ensure that you are on the right side of the law. You will never be asked to show your papers but immigration officers have the right to request to see them at any given time. Remember that if you are committing a crime in any sense, you will be imprisoned.

The best thing to do is always keep your passport and permit with you wherever you go and have a telephone or mobile number of someone you can call in SA preferably in the same town as you to help you if you are arrested. We would advise that you beforehand give the person a copy of your passport bio page, permit stamps, contact details for a family member back in your country of residence. The last thing I recommend is giving the person the details of your embassy or consulate in SA to assist you.

What to do if you are arrested with a fraudulent visa?

The South African government together with DHA are cracking down on fraudulent visas and when caught you will be locked up immediately. Our advice does not to try and fight the police or officials and don’t be abusive towards them either. You will be taken to the nearest police station and you will be kept separate.

• Call a family member to let them know you’ve been arrested.

• Ask them to hire an attorney

• Instruct your family member on how to get access to your funds should the need arise

Contact Sa Migration if you need us to verify your visa and we can assist you with our immigration services. We are more than happy to discuss with you how we can assist you throughout and how we can obtain it the legal way for.

Please contact us on :

Tel No landline CT  :  +27 (0) 21 879 5560

Tel No landline JHB : +27 (0) 12 880 1490

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Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp messages only, No calls )  

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073 – ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages ) 

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How Do I Check My Permit or Visa Status In South Africa?

How Do I Check My Permit or Visa Status In South Africa?

SA Migration |  05 Dec 2022 

Before the “new” immigration regulations were introduced in 2014 for South Africa, there were different ways and means that one could follow up on the status of their application online with the Department of Home Affairs. There were four specific ways you could track your application, but before we get into this let’s quickly review how the immigration regulations changed quite a bit.

The Immigration Regulations

• The Immigration Regulations

o 4 Ways You Could Previously Check Your Permit Status At Home Affairs

o The New Way to Check Permit Status Online

o How Do I Check My VFS Applications Status Or Use VFS Tracking? 

o VFS Collection Appointment South Africa 

Home Affairs decided to make various changes to the immigration regulations and thus had a major impact on almost all applicants applying at the time. 

Here are some of the changes that were made:

• All temporary residence permits are referred to as visas and the only permit available is the permanent resident permit.

• All new applications for TRP visas must be submitted abroad in the applicants country of residence.

• A change of status would not be allowed within South Africa from a visitor’s visa or medical visa to any form of TRP visa.

• Business visas would only be issued to businesses that are of national interest to South Africa, DHA created a list of undesirable businesses and increased the investment amount to R5 million.

• The quota and exceptional skills work permits were repealed and the critical skills visa was introduced including the critical skills list for South Africa.

• Intra-Company Transfer visa was increased from 2 years to 4 fours.

• Repatriation was repealed and instead, employers are now to sign undertakings for their employees.

• Any person who overstayed their visa was previously fined between R2,500.00 to R3,000.00 upon exiting South Africa, the new method is now banning people from SA and listing them as undesirable.

• Applicants could submit their visa application at the Department of Home Affairs without scheduling an appointment, in 2014 DHA decided to contract the services of VFS to facilitate the process of receiving and capturing biometric details.

4 Ways You Could Previously Check Your Permit Status At Home Affairs

1. Verify Your Status On Their Website: Home Affairs had a webpage which you could visit and insert your reference number to follow up on your application. This link no longer works on their website.

2. You could contact the DHA call centre: Previously you could contact their call centre and once you gave them your reference number they would tell you what your status is and you could give them instructions to hand over to the official in charge of your application.

3. Visit DHA’s offices: You could visit their offices and present your passport with your visa receipt to get a status update.

4. Immigration Agent: If you made use of an immigration agent, they would do all the follow-up’s for you with the necessary consent documents. Today an immigration agency may still follow up and update you with the status.

The New Way to Check Permit Status Online

Previously an applicant could prepare their application and then apply to the Department of Home Affairs offices. The new regulation requires all applications to be submitted through VFS in South Africa, However, no first-time applications will be accepted in South Africa. So this means once your application has been prepared and compiled, you then need to schedule an appointment with VFS to apply.

VFS has a tracking application status on their website which you could use to track your application. Below we explain the process.

How Do I Check My VFS Applications Status Or Use VFS Tracking?

To track your application on their website. 

1. You need to type in your AURN number. 

2. Type in your last name in the second input field. 

The AURN number is the reference number on your invoice/receipt issued by VFS on the day you submitted your application.

The tracking system will indicate whether your application is still processing or if an outcome on your visa has been finalized. If your visa outcome is ready for collection, you need to follow a specific procedure to collect the outcome from VFS.

Sa Migration  will include the follow-ups for you in their service and will alert you once an outcome has been reached. If you are handling your application and experience any technical difficulties we suggest that you reach out to VFS on Twitter to resolve the issue for you. You must message them privately and explain the issues. Do not divulge any personal details openly on social media, keep this private and if they do request your private details make sure that it’s a VFS official that you are corresponding with.

VFS Collection Appointment South Africa

When your outcome is ready to collect from VFS services, remember that you first have to schedule an appointment to collect your outcome. Pitching up without an appointment will result in you being turned away by VFS. 

Steps to schedule an appointment date for collection:

1. Contact us to schedule an appointment to collect .. NB! Only schedule an appointment once your tracking states that your outcome is ready for collection.

Once you’ve scheduled your appointment you now need to bring the following paperwork with you.

On the day of collection:

Remember you must collect your outcome from the same branch where you submitted your application. For example: if you submitted your application in Cape Town CBD, then you need to collect your outcome in Cape Town CBD or if Rivonia – JHB or Brooklyn – Pretoria again.

What do you need to bring with you on the day of collection:

• Your original passport is proof of identity when they hand you your visa or refusal letter. (The same passport you used when submitting your application)

• Your original invoice. (No photocopies allowed)

• SAPS issued affidavit (If applicable) – If a representative is collecting your outcome.

• Valid signed power of attorney (If applicable) If a representative is collecting your outcome.

If a representative is collecting your outcome on behalf of you then they need the following documents:

• Original ID photo.

• A power of attorney letter.

• Applicants original passport.

The power of attorney letter must clearly state the following:

• Name of the person collecting the outcome.

• Photo & ID number of the person collecting the outcome.

• Your signature (the applicant) on the power of attorney should match the signature on your visa receipt.

Should you or your representative fail to produce any of the above requirements then VFS will not hand over the processed application to you when collecting. Please make sure that you have all the requirements with you and that all are in order. Any errors like misspelt names or wrong ID numbers etc will result in them not handing the application to you or your representative.

Sa Migration immigration experts will assist you from start to finish to make sure that you have peace of mind. We are here for all our clients ensuring that they are stress-free and that they receive the best professional service that is due to them.

Our service includes:

1. Free Assessment before we take you on as a client.

2. One on one weekly calls.

3. You get access to an immigration expert.

4. We answer calls and emails seven days a week.

5. We prepare and compile your application.

6. We are experienced with South African Immigration and how VFS works.

7. We will schedule your submission and collection dates. 

8. Do all the follow-up process for you.

9. Complete all 3rd party processes for you.

Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 - ( Whatsapp messages only, No calls )

Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp messages only, No calls ) 

Tel No landline CT  :  +27 (0) 21 879 5560

Tel No landline JHB : +27 (0) 12 880 1490 

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073 – ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages ) 

Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127 - ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages )

What is the penalty for overstaying in South Africa on an expired Visa?

What is the penalty for overstaying in South Africa on an expired Visa?

SA Migration | 05 Dec 2022

South Africa is a popular tourist destination for many tourists and many opt-ins to permanently move to South Africa to work or retire here. Our beautiful country has many popular destinations to see such as our landscape and wonderful games reserves and not to forget our world-class wines.

Tourists who travel from visa exempt countries for South Africa will receive a visa at the port of entry for 30 or 90 days. A tourist has the option to extend their visa for a further 30 or 90 days and must apply 60 days before their visa expires at VFS. A visa overstay is something you must avoid at all and exit the country before your visa expires.

Immigration Fines for Expired Visa

Table of Contents

o Immigration Fines for Expired Visa

• Penalties for Overstaying in South Africa with Expired Visas?

o Overstay Penalty from DHA Declared as Undesirable

o Submitting an Overstay Penalty Appeal

o How to Avoid an Overstay in South Africa & Apply for an Extension

o Sa Migration Can Assist you

A tourist who has overstayed (visa overstay) their 90 days in South Africa will face legal consequences and as such will be declared undesirable when they exit the country and not allowed to enter if they have not overturned the ban. Previously the Department of Home Affairs issued fines to the tourist for the overstay upon leaving the country and this could amount to anything between R2,500.00 to R3,000.00. The severity of the fines was based on how long you overstayed in South Africa. Today an overstay can lead to a legal ban and not a fine. The law has changed in 2014 and the new immigration law was implemented which scraped the fine system.

Previously a person could overstay their visa and be fined when they exit South Africa. The person then had to go to the South African embassy in their country of residence and pay the fine along with the necessary documents such as their passport, the fine document stating the amount and their passport. The longer you remain in South Africa illegally, the longer the duration of the ban.

If you tried entering the country with a ban in place, immigration officials will refuse you entry and turn you away.

Penalties for Overstaying in South Africa with Expired Visas?

Today, the Department of Home Affairs no longer issues fines to an undesirable person for a visa overstay in South Africa. A new legal system has been implemented since the new immigration regulations have been implemented in 2014 which now declares any visitor who overstayed illegal and declared an undesirable person and not fined.

Overstay Penalty from DHA Declared as Undesirable

When the visitor exists in South Africa with an expired visa at a border, they will receive a legal letter from the visa official declaring them undesirable. The period of the ban depends on how long you overstayed and the circumstances.

• A person who has overstayed less than 30 days will receive a 12-month ban.

• A person who has overstayed more than 30 days will receive a 5-year ban.

No fines will be issued to any tourist. Instead a form 19 will be issued upon your departure with all the necessary information.

All South African visas have an expiry date, and it is the person’s responsibility to exit the Republic of South Africa before the visa expires and it’s not up to the government. If you would like to extend your stay in South Africa, then you have to apply for an extension to stay legally in the country. Sa Migration assists individuals who have been declared as undesirable with immigration services for South Africa and can appeal the status for you. You can contact us for more information.

Each case is assessed on a case-by-case basis and most of the time your appeal will be successful if you have a valid reason which would strengthen your case when your appeal is lodged at the Department of Home Affairs. You may have a positive assessment for one of the following cases:

1. You are a foreign student in South Africa and applied for a study visa.

2. You are employed in South Africa.

3. Overstayed due to medical conditions.

4. Application pending at the Department of Home Affairs for permanent residency or temporary visa application.

5. If you have family in SA such as relatives, spouse or dependents who are minors.

The Department of Home Affairs will take into consideration any previous visa overstay ban cases which will affect your application and possibly be denied. Once your application has been lodged with DHA, it is your responsibility to follow up with regard to your application. We recommend that you keep all email trails in a safe place should they not find your application and keep clear copies of your application that has been submitted to the overstay department.

Submitting an Overstay Penalty Appeal

The regulations make provision for any person who has been declared an undesirable person and been banned from the Republic of South Africa has the right to appeal the decision. Anyone can apply for an appeal to be overturned, so if you are not able to submit the application yourself, then you may ask family or friends in South Africa to submit your application on your behalf. The Department of Home Affairs promises a turn-around time of 48 hours, but this might take longer as they receive loads of applications at any given time. The application is submitted online and cannot be submitted physically at a SA embassy, mission or consulate.

A person who has been declared undesirable must submit an application to DHA to have this decision appealed and overturned. The following documents must be handed in according to the immigration law in terms of Section 30(1)(h) read with 50(1) of the immigration act South Africa , no 13 of 2002 as amended (no.13 of 2001)

To have your undesirable status overturned by DHA, you must provide them with solid proof that your overstay can be justified.

• Written Representation

• Declaration of undesirability which was issued at the port of entry.

• Include all relevant pages of the passport and bio page.

• Acknowledgement receipt in the case of a pending visa or permit.

• A medical certificate if the applicant has overstayed due to medical reasons.

Your application to lodge an appeal must be submitted within 10 days of receiving your ban.

Our blog post on how to write an overstay appeal letter will give you all the tips you need to write the best letter.

If you South African visa has been refused, you can read our visa appeal process South Africa which will give you all the information you need.

How to Avoid an Overstay in South Africa & Apply for an Extension

A visitor who is currently on a visitor’s visa must submit an application to extend their visa immediately when they arrive in South Africa and must be done through VFS. Submitting an extension as soon as possible will give Home Affairs ample time to process your visa and this allows you to collect your extension before your initial visa expires.

Temporary residents must apply for a renewal of a temporary resident visa when they have 6 months or less left on their initial visa. The application must be lodged through VFS and Home Affairs takes quite some time to process the temporary visa.

We, therefore, recommend that you make use of an immigration agency to facilitate the extension of a visitor’s visa or your TRP application as they are experienced and can prepare your application in the quickest timeframe. Immigration consultants are experienced and know what the Department of Home Affairs requirements are.

If you consecutively overstay, your application will not be considered, and you will be banned depending on the number of days you overstayed in South Africa.

The penalties for overstaying are harsh and there have been heartbreaking stories of families who were not allowed to see one another because they overstayed. The consequences are dire, so ensure that you have all your paperwork ready before you travel to South Africa so that you can be ready to submit your application and understand your rights. The South African immigration law is clear that it will not tolerate any tourist or foreigner who overstays unless they can provide sufficient reason as to why they overstayed and are within their rights. An overstay could count against you if you are applying for permanent residency. A departure before your visa expires is the best solution. 

Sa Migration Can Assist you

Our immigration experts will conduct an assessment with you to find out how serious your case is and if there is any chance of approval. Once we have concluded that we can assist you then we will take you on as a client and request the necessary paperwork from you so that we provide the best service.

We will prepare and compile your application then submit it to the overstay appeal department on behalf of you. We will do the necessary follow up for you and we will keep you in the loop about the progress made. Once we receive the outcome from the Department of Home Affairs, we will then contact you and send you your letter stating that the ban has been lifted.

We can further assess if you qualify for any temporary residence visa should you wish to stay in SA. South African immigration is complex and frustrating to deal with. We are immigration experts that are highly trained and experienced when it comes to any immigration issues and our immigration services in South Africa will help you obtain your visa. We understand the immigration regulations and know how to approach each application. We only take on clients who qualify as we want to maintain our success rate and, in the event, if you don’t qualify we would take the time to explain why you don’t qualify. We would even take it one step further to explain to you how you can qualify and the necessary steps you need to take to qualify when making use of our service.

Please contact us on :

Tel No landline CT  :  +27 (0) 21 879 5560

Tel No landline JHB : +27 (0) 12 880 1490

Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 - ( Whatsapp messages only, No calls )

Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp messages only, No calls )  

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073 – ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages ) 

Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127 - ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages )

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