New quotas for foreign workers, who will be banned from starting small businesses in some sectors



New quotas for foreign workers, who will be banned from starting small businesses in some sectors


Fin 24 – 30 March 2022

  • Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi released the National Labour Migration Policy for public comment on Monday afternoon.
  • This will introduce new employment quotas on foreign workers, as well as ban foreigners from starting small businesses in some sectors.
  • "Migrants are in particular concentrated in informal sector – a worrying trend," government said in a statement.

Government will introduce new employment quotas on foreign workers, as well as ban foreigners from starting small businesses in some sectors.

On Monday, Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi introduced the National Labour Migration Policy (NLMP) and Employment Services Amendment Bill for public comment.

The NLMP will introduce quotas on the total number of documented foreign nationals with work visas that can be employed in agriculture, hospitality and tourism, as well as construction, along with other sectors.

The limit on foreign nationals will be set by the minister of labour, and the quotas will differ per occupation, sector or region. Quotas would apply not only to formal employees, but also to anyone paid for any work as well as "platform workers", such as Uber drivers.

The proposed new legislations will be accompanied by amendments to the Small Business Act, which will limit foreign nationals from establishing small and medium-sized enterprises and trading in some sectors of the economy. This will include a list of sectors where foreign nationals cannot be allocated business visas.

Foreign nationals will include all people who aren't citizens, permanent residents or refugees

There are four million foreign born persons in SA, representing 4% of the population and 7% of the labour force, government said.

"Especially since 2000, the influx largely of undocumented migrant workers has increased dramatically in an ever-expanding range of sectors. Migrants are in particular concentrated in informal sector – a worrying trend," the department of labour said in a presentation.

Nxesi said it was critical for government to act and curb the hiring of foreign nationals in the country, as employers were exploiting desperate foreign nationals and "distorting the labour market".

Nxesi released the National Labour Migration Policy for public comment on Monday afternoon, following an extensive period of consultation with his colleagues in Cabinet.

The policy will now be available for public comment for 90 days, after which it will be referred back to Cabinet with inputs and to Parliament.

The Department of Employment and Labour, Cabinet approved the release of the National Labour Migration Policy for public comment last Wednesday after extensive consultation between government structures, Nxesi and Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.

Nxesi said employers must satisfy themselves that there is no availability of the requisite skills before opting to hire a documented foreign national. He stressed that government would not undermine the rights of foreign nationals in implementing the policy.

"In terms of the law, we can't ban the employment of the foreign nationals. It will not allow us. The Constitution of this country will not allow us to do that. We can limit and control it. That is what we are trying to do," said Nxesi.

Nxesi said along with the migration labour policy, the strengthening of border management policy will be prioritised. He said that his department is stepping up inspections to enforce existing labour and immigration legislation.

Deputy director-general of public employment services Sam Marotoba said it was able to identify "red spots" in migration pressures, including those with special dispensation permits and those who have overstayed in the country.

Marotoba said after conducting research and consultations at government level, the department had to hold cluster and socioeconomic impact consultations with legal advisors.

"This is what took us so long and we are going to embark on public consultation processes. In June we will go to Nedlac and depending on the amount of inputs and comments, we will report to Cabinet and Parliament by July," said Marotoba.

He said South Africa would consult with the African Union, the Southern African Development Community and other regional groupings as the policy is implemented. Nxesi said the consultation process on the policy would be concluded within 90 days.

Pressing labour matters

Nxesi said, after a standoff with truck drivers over the inclusion of their profession in the policy, government had been engaging with truck drivers as recently as last week and was told that truck drivers were looking forward to making inputs on the policy document.

In a veiled reference to the conduct of the EFF who have conducted inspections at restaurants looking for expatriate employees, Nxesi warned that illegal inspections of workplaces looking for documented migrants would not be tolerated and that is was "destructive" and "irresponsible" of political parties to do so.

The National Labour Migration Policy and Employment Services Amendment Bill also makes provision for the "reintegration of the South African diaspora into the domestic economy". This includes the developing of "incentives" for South African workers abroad to "impart skills and invest in labour market and other initiatives in South Africa".



ZEP Permit Holders - Beware – Be careful of false information – this circulating in your community , it is factually incorrect

ZEP Permit Holders  - Beware  – Be careful of false information – this circulating in your community , it is factually incorrect

 SA Migration - 30 -03 - 2022

“ Good evening dear members. We now have Immigration Directive 12 of 2021. I would like to encourage all of you without or with professional qualifications etc who would want to apply for a General Work permit later to apply for a Waiver within the next 9 days and Department of Home Affairs have said they will process your waivers applications before 31 March 2022. If your waiver applications is successful and granted, you will be able to apply for a General Work Permit without a need to have documentations required like certificates, Saqa documentation, police clearance, newspaper adverts etc. They will only then need your employers letter, valid passport and covid vaccination certificate to apply for the General Work Permit when your waiver applications is successful.

What is a Waiver?

It is an application made in South Africa and adjudicated by the Department of Home Affairs. In order to apply for a waiver the applicant must be in possession of a valid refugee or immigration status (eg a valid ZEP Permit and not an expired one).

The minister yesterday issues Directive 12 of 2021 and on (a) he said he will need until 31 March 2022 to make outcomes for all Waivers applied for. And anyone who doesn't have a Waiver or General Work Permit Application by 1 April 2022 will be described as "undesirable" and will have to to 31 December 2022 to pack bags and kids and return to Zimbabwe without being formally charged at the border or legal port of exit to avoid being deported

Here is fake link

Sa Migration says

“ Here is part of the scam , the link above is a real VFS visa page and when you capture the page it goes back to home page  and it goes nowhere , it was taken out of context – check the real VFS pages  “

Please contact us for the real information , following the advice will lead you to heart break

How can we help you , please email us to whatsapp me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :


Please rate us by clinking on this links :

Sa Migration Visas


Qualifying Angolans invited to apply for exemption permit

Qualifying Angolans invited to apply for exemption permit

Friday, August 6, 2021


The Department of Home Affairs has invited qualifying Angolan nationals to apply for the Angolan Exemption Permit.

Those who qualify for the exemption permit include:

  • Angolans who were issued with the Angolan Cessation Permit (ACP) but did not apply for the Angolan Special Permit (ASP);
  • Angolans who were issued with the Angolan Special permit, and
  • All Angolan refugees or asylum seekers who were issued with Section 24 or Section 22 permits before 31 August 2013 -- the date when the Tripartite Commission Agreement was signed, marking the end of the Civil War in Angola.

“The spouses and children of the affected Angolan nationals will be allowed to apply for mainstream visas or permits after the main member has obtained his/her exemption permit. The department forecasts that 5 000 Angolans could qualify to apply,” said Home Affairs spokesperson, Siya Qoza.

 The requirements to apply for the Angolan Exemption Permit are the following:

  • Proof of Refugee/Asylum Seeker Permit issued before 31 August 2013;
  • Copy of Angolan Cessation Permit or Angolan Special permit;
  • Angolan passport valid for more than 12 months on date of application;
  • A South African Police Report, which the department will obtain on behalf of the applicant, and
  • Any other information that the applicant wishes to submit.

The Visa Facilitation Services (VFS) processing fee is R1 090. 

“All applications must be submitted online at the VFS office nearest to the applicant from 16 August 2021. 

“The turnaround time to issue the Angolan Exemption Certificate is eight weeks,” Qoza said. –

Hawks bust passport syndicate

Hawks bust passport syndicate

Sabc News – 29 March 2022



A Pakistani kingpin allegedly behind a syndicate falsifying passport documents was arrested in a late night sting operation. The Department of Home Affairs and the Hawks raided a Home Affairs office in Krugersdorp in Gauteng, where 30 suspects were arrested. It's emerged that locals with no prospects of travelling are lured by the syndicate into selling their identities to undocumented migrants posing as asylum seekers and refugees. Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motoaledi says more arrests are imminent. Our reporter, Mbalenhle Mthethwa was there when the arrests were made.


Fake passport ’kingpin’ suspect arrested in Krugersdorp

Fake passport ’kingpin’ suspect arrested in Krugersdorp

Iol – 29 March 2022

Durban – Independent Media has learnt that a Pakistani man and 27 others were arrested during a joint operation on Thursday night in Krugersdorp, Gauteng, for falsifying passport documents.

Of those arrested, 14 were foreign nationals and 14 were South Africans, according to Hawks Gauteng spokesperson Carol Mulamu, who was at the scene.

Mulamu said R45 000 in cash was found as well as the vehicles believed to be used by the syndicate.

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi spoke to the media outside the Home Affairs office in Krugersdorp, where the suspects were arrested, on Thursday night.

The minister confirmed that the suspected kingpin worked with people inside Home Affairs in a network that spanned KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Mpumalanga and Limpopo.

Two of those arrested were Home Affairs employees. Motsoaledi said he expected more officials to be arrested.

“We identified the kingpin after an immigration alert picked up anomalies with two passports of people who wanted to leave the country via Cape Town International Airport. That official handed over the two people and their passports to the police,” Motsoaledi said.

It is alleged that the leader charged about R40 000 for a fake passport. The two Home Affairs officials allegedly made R5 000 to R10 000 per passport.

According to the minister, the head of the syndicate would get foreign nationals who wanted passports but did not qualify for them. A runner would then recruit South African citizens who had never applied for a passport before.

The Home Affairs officials or “lieutenants” would secure an office where they could authenticate the documents.

“It is alleged that the kingpin bought cars for his lieutenants, presumably to enable them to be at his disposal day and night. In other words, the lieutenants were always available to the kingpin when he needed them,” Motsoaledi added.

The SAPS said that a joint statement on the matter would be released in due course.