Illegal and Fraudulent documents - Unannounced immigration inspections conducted in South Africa

Illegal and Fraudulent documents - Unannounced immigration inspections conducted in South Africa


SA Migration – 09/06/2022


Sa Migration recently sent out a news alert.


The purpose of the alert?


To share the news that The Department of Home Affairs are carrying out immigration raids on businesses, in search of employers who are violating immigration laws.

What happened?

According to Sa Migration, many foreign workers were arrested and a restaurant / factory managers , owners of businesses who employed foreigners illegally will be charged with violating the South African Immigration Act.

How did the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) know about these violations happening?

The DHA confirmed to Sa Migration  that the raids took place in response to complaints received from members of the public regarding suspected illegal working. The DHA also said it expects more arrests to follow as the investigation continues.

The moral of the story

The DHA’s promise to pay random, unannounced visits to businesses are not idle threats. The Department could visit your office or worksite at any time and you’ll be found in contravention of South Africa’s Immigration Act if the DHA find that you are illegally employing foreign workers.

Instead of being caught off-guard, ensure that your foreign employees hold valid visas at all times. Also, that you only employ foreigners with valid and correct visas.

If you need help determining whether your foreign workers are employed legally, you can ask us for a free employee audit. Our team will come to you, do the audit and then report back plus advise on any necessary steps to take.

Getting an audit done demands no effort or risk from your side. However, you do risk jail time or hefty fines if you don’t know the legal status of your employees.

Prefer the former over the latter? Then call us today on +27 (0) 82 373 8415 and ascertain the legal status of your foreign employees.

How can we help you , please email us to whatsapp me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :

SA Visa/Citizenship

SA Visa/Citizenship

SA Migration – 08/06/2022

Citizenship Options

  South African Citizen by Descent

    South African Citizen by Naturalisation:

    Automatic loss of Citizenship

    Resumption of South African citizenship

    Deprivation of Citizenship

    South African Citizen by Naturalisation:

    Automatic loss of Citizenship

    Resumption of South African citizenship

    Acquisition of the citizenship or nationality of another country


South African Citizen by Descent:


Anybody who was born outside of South Africa to a South African citizen. His or her birth has to be registered in line with the births and deaths registration act 51 of 1992.


South African Citizen by Naturalisation:


Permanent Resident holders of 5 or more years can apply for citizenship. Anybody married to a South African citizen qualifies for naturalisation, two years after receiving his or her permanent residence at the time of marriage.


A child under 21 who has permanent residence Visa qualifies for naturalization immediately after the Visa is issued.


Automatic loss of Citizenship.


This occurs when a South African citizen:


Obtains citizenship of another country by a voluntary and formal act, other than marriage, or;


Serves in the armed forces of another country, where he or she is also a citizen, while is at war with South Africa.


Deprivation of Citizenship:


A South African citizen by naturalization can be deprived of his citizenship if;


The certificate of naturalisation was obtained fraudulently or false information was supplied.


He or she holds the citizenship of another country and has, at any time, been sentenced to 12 months imprisonment in any country for an offence that also would have been an offence in South Africa.


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 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :

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Sa Migration Visas

Alternatively , please contact us on :

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415

Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp )

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073

Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127

Fax No : 086 579 0155


Research Visa

Research Visa

SA Migration – 08/06/2022

The interpretation of research activities should not be confused with activities for which a work Visa will be required. If an employment position/post is offered wherein the incumbent will be on the establishment (personnel structure) of the institution, then a work Visa will be required.

"work" means business, commercial or remunerative activities within the Republic, excluding work on the basis of a Visa referred to in sections 12 or 14, or work for a foreign employer pursuant to a contract which only partially calls for activities in the Republic, or work as a business or profession mainly based outside the Republic but requiring activities within the Republic.

Nationals who are visa restricted must apply for a visa if they wish to enter South Africa for any period not exceeding three (3) years for the purpose of engaging in research activities.

Certain Nationals may proceed to South Africa without a visa, at which point they will be admitted for an initial period of 3 months, within which they may apply for the renewal of their Visas in South Africa.

How can we help you , please email us to whatsapp me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :

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Sa Migration Visas

Alternatively , please contact us on :

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415

Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp )

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073

Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127

Fax No : 086 579 0155


Relative’s Visa

Relative’s Visa

SA Migration – 08/06/2022

A Relative's Visa may be issued by the Department to a foreigner who is a member of the immediate family of a citizen or a resident, providing that such citizen or resident provides the prescribed financial assurances.

This only applies to first level of kinship i.e: Brother, Sister, Mother, Father.

The period of validity of the Visa shall be determined by the financial assurance provided, but will not exceed a period of 24 months at a time. A relative Visa issued to a spouse shall lapse upon the dissolution of the spousal relationship and the Department may at any time satisfy itself that a good faith spousal relationship exists and or continues to exist.

Let SA Migration Intl handle your entire case from filling out the documentation to processing the application.

How can we help you , please email us to whatsapp me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :

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Sa Migration Visas

Alternatively , please contact us on :

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415

Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp )

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073

Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127

Fax No : 086 579 0155


South African Permanent Residence

South African Permanent Residence


SA Migration – 08/06/2022

South Africa encourages permanent residency if you are serious about staying in South Africa on a long terms permanent basis there are many categories you can apply under.

  • Hold a General Work Visa for five years and have a permanent job offer.
  • Hold a Relative’s Visa sponsored by an immediate family member.
  • Hold a Critical Skills Visa and have 5 years relevant work experience.
  • Be in a proven life partner relationship for five years
  • Be married to an SA Spouse for at least five years.
  • Have held Refugee Asylum Status for five years.
  • Hold a Business Visa.
  • Receive a monthly income of R37,000 through Pension or Retirement Annuity
  • Have a net asset worth of R12m and payment to Home Affairs of R120,000

How can we help you , please email us to whatsapp me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :

Please rate us by clinking on this links :

Sa Migration Visas

Alternatively , please contact us on :

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415

Tel No office : +27 (0) 82 373 8415 ( Whatsapp )

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073

Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127

Fax No : 086 579 0155