Critical Skills Work Visa

Critical Skills Work Visa

The Critical Skills Visa South Africa is for skilled workers whose occupation is on the Critical Skills Visa List for South Africa. This list reflects the occupations that are in demand in South Africa.

The newly published "Skills or qualifications determined to be critical for the Republic of South Africa in relation to an application for a Critical Skills Visa or Permanent Residence Visa"

This category of work visa may be issued to an applicant who falls within a specific professional category or specific occupational class determined by the Minister by notice in the Government Gazette. This is done after consultation with the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Trade and Industry.

If an applicant falls within one of the professional categories listed on the critical skills list and also has the appropriate post qualification working experience in that profession then such applicant may qualify to apply for this category of work Visa.

The applicant also needs to where applicable register with the relevant South African professional accreditation body regulating that industry as stipulated by Minister of Home Affairs. Such body must also confirm the applicant’s skills, qualifications and working experience.

Furthermore, such applicant’s qualifications need to be evaluated relevant to a South African level. An applicant for a Critical Skills Visa may enter South Africa on such visa without having secured a job offer first. It is, however, required of the applicant to confirm employment with the Department of Home Affairs within a period of one (1) year upon arrival in South Africa, failing which, the Visa would automatically lapse.

The Critical Skills Work Visa is tied to an individual and not to an employer so under this Visa a person can leave from one employer to the next without obtaining a new work Visa.

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Are you Zimbabwean and on the Zimbabwean Dispensation Visa – Looking for options

Are you Zimbabwean and on the Zimbabwean Dispensation Visa – Looking for options

This a reminder signed by the Director General of Home Affairs reminding ZEP permit holders of the countdown to 31 December 2022 where permit holders have to change to a main stream visa. Don’t wait before it is too late and experience heartache and major disruptions in your lives and your children’s lives .

You would have seen increased immigration inspectorate staff involved raids , accompanied by SAPS to check business compliance in terms of by laws and many illegal foreigners are caught in this net .

Please contact us for a free consultation on how we can assist you

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Tel No landline CT  :  +27 (0) 21 879 5560

Tel No landline JHB : +27 (0) 12 880 1490 

Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073 – ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages )
Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127 - ( Whatsapp calls only – No Messages )

High court judge finds spousal visa rules unconstitutional

High court judge finds spousal visa rules unconstitutional

09 Jun 2022 – Groundup


The Western Cape high court has ruled that certain provisions of the Immigration Act and its regulations are unconstitutional.

Foreign parents of South African children should be allowed to remain in the country even if their relationship with their spouse ends.

A judgment by the Western Cape high court means that foreigners who are parents and caregivers of South African children will be allowed to remain in the country after their relationships with their South African spouses come to an end.

Judge Mark Sher has ruled that certain provisions of the Immigration Act and its regulations are unconstitutional.

Among the applicants in the case before him were a 47-year-old German woman, who is a mother of two, a French baker who has become his three children’s sole guardian after his wife abandoned them, a British company executive, a Kenyan media researcher and a Swiss carpenter.

All had been residing and working in South Africa on “spousal visas”, which had been extended from time to time but were no longer valid because of the termination of their relationships.

They all have children who are citizens. “All have been dutiful and supportive parents and caregivers to their children, sharing parental responsibilities,” noted Judge Sher.

The applicants complained that because their relationships had ended, their temporary residence rights in terms of the spousal visas issued to them, had automatically expired. They were no longer allowed to work or live in South Africa and must “depart”, failing which they would be deported.

Should they wish to apply for any other form of visa, such as a visitor or relative visa, they would have to do so from outside South Africa. Visitor and relative visas also do not allow them to work in the country.

The applicants said this was an unjustifiable limitation of their constitutional rights and those of their children to dignity, equality and parental care. It also offended the “best interests of the child” principle.

“They point out that while their spousal relationship might have come to an end, their parental relationships have not,” said Judge Sher.

“In effect, the applicants have the Hobson’s Choice of either breaking the law by continuing to live and work in the country in order to maintain their parental responsibilities and relationships and contact with their children, or uphold the law by leaving the country, therefore breaching their parental duties and severing their contact and relationships with their children.

“I am of the view that the effect of the provisions in issue results in a violation of both their rights to dignity as well as those of their children, and the children’s constitutional and parental rights,” the judge said.

The Minister and officials of the Department of Home Affairs opposed the application saying that the provisions were there to prevent abuse by foreigners who “entered into sham marriages” to obtain rights of entry, residence and work.

They denied that the provisions in the Act were discriminatory but said any rights limitation was justified and reasonable and commonly found in many open and democratic countries throughout the world.

But Judge Sher said the respondents had offered up very little, if any substance, about the infringement of parental rights and right to dignity. For example, they had not shown why it was necessary for foreign parents to leave the country and their children in order to regularise their status.

“In order to ensure that the country is not overburdened with additional South African children who are destitute and need to be provided for at state expense, the contribution which is provided by their foreign parents is surely a necessary and needed one, as long as they were working in the country lawfully at the time of the termination of their spousal visa.

“One can expect that they should, if possible, continue to be accommodated in the country so that they can continue to support their children and care for them, both financially and emotionally,” said Judge Sher.

He declared as unconstitutional sections of the Act that: require a foreigner who holds a spousal visa, who has parental responsibility and rights, to leave South Africa on the termination of the relationship; require such a person to make an application for a change in status from outside South Africa; do not allow a foreigner who may be eligible for a visitors or relatives visa to work in South Africa in order to discharge their parental rights and responsibilities.

Judge Sher suspended the declaration of invalidity for 24 months to enable Parliament to remedy the inconsistencies but ordered a “reading in” of the provisions in the interim.

One applicant, a Zimbabwean boxing coach, sought an order setting aside the declaration of him as an “undesirable person”.

Judge Sher declined to grant this order. He said the man had been in the country illegally since 2012 and had shown a “blatant disregard for the law”.

“Although the Court’s sympathies lie with his child, assisting him would encourage and effectively grant a licence to foreigners to enter the country illegally, and to live and work here illegally until the moment when they have a child who is a South African citizen or permanent resident, which they need to support, which they could then use to legalise their stay.

“No country that functions in terms of the rule of law can endorse such a stance.”

High court judge finds spousal visa rules unconstitutional


High court judge finds spousal visa rules unconstitutional


09 Jun 2022 – Groundup


The Western Cape high court has ruled that certain provisions of the Immigration Act and its regulations are unconstitutional.

Foreign parents of South African children should be allowed to remain in the country even if their relationship with their spouse ends.

A judgment by the Western Cape high court means that foreigners who are parents and caregivers of South African children will be allowed to remain in the country after their relationships with their South African spouses come to an end.

Judge Mark Sher has ruled that certain provisions of the Immigration Act and its regulations are unconstitutional.

Among the applicants in the case before him were a 47-year-old German woman, who is a mother of two, a French baker who has become his three children’s sole guardian after his wife abandoned them, a British company executive, a Kenyan media researcher and a Swiss carpenter.

All had been residing and working in South Africa on “spousal visas”, which had been extended from time to time but were no longer valid because of the termination of their relationships.

They all have children who are citizens. “All have been dutiful and supportive parents and caregivers to their children, sharing parental responsibilities,” noted Judge Sher.

The applicants complained that because their relationships had ended, their temporary residence rights in terms of the spousal visas issued to them, had automatically expired. They were no longer allowed to work or live in South Africa and must “depart”, failing which they would be deported.

Should they wish to apply for any other form of visa, such as a visitor or relative visa, they would have to do so from outside South Africa. Visitor and relative visas also do not allow them to work in the country.

The applicants said this was an unjustifiable limitation of their constitutional rights and those of their children to dignity, equality and parental care. It also offended the “best interests of the child” principle.

“They point out that while their spousal relationship might have come to an end, their parental relationships have not,” said Judge Sher.

“In effect, the applicants have the Hobson’s Choice of either breaking the law by continuing to live and work in the country in order to maintain their parental responsibilities and relationships and contact with their children, or uphold the law by leaving the country, therefore breaching their parental duties and severing their contact and relationships with their children.

“I am of the view that the effect of the provisions in issue results in a violation of both their rights to dignity as well as those of their children, and the children’s constitutional and parental rights,” the judge said.

The Minister and officials of the Department of Home Affairs opposed the application saying that the provisions were there to prevent abuse by foreigners who “entered into sham marriages” to obtain rights of entry, residence and work.

They denied that the provisions in the Act were discriminatory but said any rights limitation was justified and reasonable and commonly found in many open and democratic countries throughout the world.

But Judge Sher said the respondents had offered up very little, if any substance, about the infringement of parental rights and right to dignity. For example, they had not shown why it was necessary for foreign parents to leave the country and their children in order to regularise their status.

“In order to ensure that the country is not overburdened with additional South African children who are destitute and need to be provided for at state expense, the contribution which is provided by their foreign parents is surely a necessary and needed one, as long as they were working in the country lawfully at the time of the termination of their spousal visa.

“One can expect that they should, if possible, continue to be accommodated in the country so that they can continue to support their children and care for them, both financially and emotionally,” said Judge Sher.

He declared as unconstitutional sections of the Act that: require a foreigner who holds a spousal visa, who has parental responsibility and rights, to leave South Africa on the termination of the relationship; require such a person to make an application for a change in status from outside South Africa; do not allow a foreigner who may be eligible for a visitors or relatives visa to work in South Africa in order to discharge their parental rights and responsibilities.

Judge Sher suspended the declaration of invalidity for 24 months to enable Parliament to remedy the inconsistencies but ordered a “reading in” of the provisions in the interim.

One applicant, a Zimbabwean boxing coach, sought an order setting aside the declaration of him as an “undesirable person”.

Judge Sher declined to grant this order. He said the man had been in the country illegally since 2012 and had shown a “blatant disregard for the law”.

“Although the Court’s sympathies lie with his child, assisting him would encourage and effectively grant a licence to foreigners to enter the country illegally, and to live and work here illegally until the moment when they have a child who is a South African citizen or permanent resident, which they need to support, which they could then use to legalise their stay.

“No country that functions in terms of the rule of law can endorse such a stance.”

South African Volunteer Visa

South African Volunteer Visa


SA Migration – 09/06/2022


Most volunteer programs are for 3 months to 3 years. This allows volunteers to come into South Africa on a normal tourist visa and work in the country. However, some volunteers will come into the country on programs that last for more than 3 months. This is where SA Migration can assist.

There are many volunteer opportunities in South Africa. The country welcomes volunteers and if you plan to volunteer through a proper volunteer organization and have been accepted, you can apply for a Volunteer Visa. In some cases, if you plan to volunteer for three months or less, you may not need a visa. Please check with us.

The Volunteer Visa is a temporary residency visa. It is a multiple entry visa and is renewable. This is the correct visa to choose if you have an acceptance letter from a Registered Volunteer Organization, are not being paid for your work, and plan to volunteer for your entire stay in South Africa.

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