Migrants and the world of work in SA: exposing the ‘job stealing’ lies of the xenophobes

Migrants and the world of work in SA: exposing the ‘job stealing’ lies of the xenophobes

Daily Maverick 05/07/2022

Ever since the eruption of widespread xenophobic violence in 2008, the widely deployed claim that “foreign nationals are taking our jobs” is now accepted as fact by many. But statistics and research prove the opposite.

In and among the plethora of other claims directed at international migrants, such as being disproportionately responsible for crime and more particularly drug dealing, that of “taking jobs” has now come to dominate the general discourse of the latest crew of xenophobes. 

These include Herman Mashaba and ActionSA; the Gayton Mackenzie/Kenny Kunene duo of the Patriotic Alliance (PA); the misnamed African Transformation Movement; the putative uMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKVMA); the social media scoundrels of “#PutSouthAfricaFirst”; the so-called “RET” faction of the ANC; the ministries of home affairs and labour; and the most recent addition of political performance artist Nhlanhla Mohlauli and his “Operation Dudula” rent-a-crowd.

In one form or another, they have all engaged in an all-out propaganda war grounded in a concocted, pre-packaged and false narrative of “foreign nationals” as job-stealing villains. 

Not only has such a narrative found fertile ground among significant sections of South Africans who are economically poor and politically marginalised, it has now been given some legislative content through the recently introduced National Labour Migration Policy (NLMP). 

This policy will now “reserve” certain economic sectors for those who hold South African citizenship and set quotas “for the employment of documented foreign nationals in major economic sectors”.

This “job-stealing” propaganda package is, at one and the same time, de-historicised, deceitful and dangerous.

False narratives

One of the crucial ingredients that sustains the false narratives of right-wing, populist demagoguery is the manipulation of history and facts, wherein political and socioeconomic context and content are selectively and manipulatively remembered and applied. 

In this case, the xenophobes want people to forget or simply ignore the reality of a post-1994, anti-poor and anti-worker economic policy framework and practice (by both the public and private sectors) that has, over the past 25 years, led to the casualisation of work becoming the dominant feature of South Africa’s world of work landscape; and no more so than for international migrants. 

It is this consciously planned and seismic shift in the world of work that has fed a continuous and intensified attack on the working conditions and quality of life for the vast majority of the workforce in South Africa, whether citizen or international migrant. 

This has been further abetted by several other historical developments: the failure of the ANC-run state (at all levels of government) to solidify and sustain the provision of basic services and needs; the profit-at-all-costs, divide-and-conquer approach of employers; the proliferation of local economic and political mafias operating in the small retail and housing spaces; and foreign policies and actions in the region that have privileged support for oppressive political regimes and contributed to the destruction of local economies.

A comprehensive statistical study carried out by the Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute in 2017 found that the “fastest rise in employment since 2008 has been in the informal sector”. The National Labour and Economic Development Institute estimated in 2019 that between 2000 and 2017, non-permanent work increased by an incredible 371%.

This historical trend has only been turbocharged by the past two years of pandemic-related socioeconomic austerity, out-of-control profit gouging and nationalist economic chauvinism.

Casualised work

Not surprisingly, it is this ever-expanding and hugely precarious world of casualised work — encompassing both the “informal sector” and certain parts of the formal sector — that “houses” the vast majority of international migrant workers.

These workers (including those fortunate enough to actually have the relevant documents) most often find themselves in positions of unstable, precarious employment.

This entails working for unscrupulous employers without any labour or legal protections, unable to access benefits, toiling for long working hours, being physically and otherwise abused, becoming indebted and earning very low wages. 

Making matters worse for the majority is the general dysfunction and corruption of the Department of Home Affairs, which renders them “illegal” due to not having or being unable to access or renew the appropriate documents/permits.

This reality, alongside the limited availability of up-to-date statistics, makes it difficult to fully determine the number of international migrant workers in the country, not to mention associated work demographics and location.

Damn lies

Nonetheless, what is crystal clear is that the wild claims of tens of millions of undocumented/“illegal” international migrants flooding South African society and in the process, taking large numbers of jobs away from South African citizens, are nothing but damn lies.

Casting an eye over the past decade or so, a 2016 study by the South African Migration Programme found that “despite speculation about the penetration of migrant entrepreneurs in the informal economy, only 20% of informal economy business owners had moved to Gauteng [the province with the most international migrants] from another country. This means that fully 80% of informal enterprises in Gauteng are South African-owned”.

The study also stated that in respect of the entire workforce in Gauteng, 82% of the working population (ie 15-64 years old) were non-migrants, 14% were domestic migrants who had moved between provinces and just 4% could be classed as international migrants.

Moving forward, a comprehensive study by the African Centre for Migration & Society — using figures from StatsSA — found that there are two million international migrants (ie those who are foreign-born) of working age (15-64) in South Africa. This represents 5.3% of the entire labour force, most of whom are more likely to be informally employed. 

More recently, in late 2021, Statistician-General Risenga Maluleke (responding to the latest claims of xenophobes) had the following to say: “If one uses the output of foreign-born persons enumerated in Census 2011 and adds to it the net international migrants for the period 2011-2016 as well as the period 2016-2021 from the 2021 mid-year population estimates one would get an estimation of 3.95 million persons. This includes migrants of all types and is collated regardless of legal status [and age].”

Specious arguments

Besides blowing the generalised statistical lies of the xenophobes out of the water, all cumulative evidence gathered by professional/academic researchers over the past decade also destroys the equally specious arguments made by xenophobes that international migrants are a drain on the economy because they are not paying taxes and are abusing social/health services etc. 

The truth is that a majority of international migrant workers actually have made and continue to make a positive economic contribution by providing jobs, paying rent, paying VAT and providing affordable and convenient goods.

It is hugely worrying that the bald telling of lies — whether here in South Africa or elsewhere — is fast becoming politically and socially mainstreamed. But it is beyond tragic that these lies are increasingly acting as the fire-lighters of intensifying conflict and violence, whether framed by xenophobia, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexuality.

As history has taught us, the more often lies are repeated, the more likely it is that increasing numbers of people will come to “believe” them and act ac cordingly. This is extremely dangerous.

Let us never forget what lies, repeated often and loudly, can incubate and feed.




Huge blow to foreigners – No second chance for Asylum seekers as government tightens laws

Huge blow to foreigners – No second chance for Asylum seekers as government tightens laws 

Pretoria News -  – 04 July 2022

Foreign nationals whose applications for asylum in South Africa were rejected do not automatically have the right in law to reapply.

If they do, this will allow for a never-ending cycle of asylum applications, according to a judgment by the Western Cape High Court.

This followed an application by three Burundian nationals who applied for asylum in South Africa.

Their applications were rejected as being manifestly unfounded in terms of the Refugees Act.

The refusal was automatically reviewed by the Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs, which confirmed the finding.

The women subsequently turned to court to obtain an order directing Home Affairs and its various arms dealing with asylum issues, to accept a second asylum seeker application made by each of them.

Their main objective to remain in South Africa was because they wanted to study and work here, while one of the women said she came here “to find her husband”.

According to them, the act makes provision for foreign nationals to reapply for refugee status after their first application has been turned down.

Each of them earlier applied for asylum status in South Africa, but their applications were turned down, as their reasons for wanting to stay in South Africa were said to be unfounded.

In terms of the Refugee Act, a person qualifies for refugee status if it is proven that their lives would be in danger if they were to be sent back to their country of origin.

But in this case, home affairs officials noted that peaceful elections were held in Burundi in 2020 and many Burundian refugees had voluntarily returned home, so the women were not in danger if they went back.

The women accepted the rejection of their first asylum applications and did not take it on review. But they said that they were entitled, in terms of the law, to reapply.

Judge Hayley Slingers said the women were told to leave the country when their asylum applications were turned down in 2014, yet they chose to remain illegally in the country.

They now wanted the court to force Home Affairs to accept their second application.

They want to base the second application on allegations that their lives would indeed be in danger if they were forced to return to Burundi due to the government there.

According to them, the act is “an open system designed for vulnerable people to apply for asylum”.

They also argued that their interpretation of the act is that it does not matter how any times someone applied for asylum status after being refused, and that while the application is pending, they may not be kicked out of the country.

But Judge Slingers said this interpretation is problematic, as it would mean an asylum seeker could keep on submitting applications if the previous ones were refused, while remaining in South Africa all the time.

“There would then be no need to be granted asylum as the asylum seeker need only continuously apply for asylum, to be granted the right to stay in the RSA.”

The judge turned down their application and said the act did not automatically give asylum seekers the right to reapply.

She said when their asylum applications were refused and this was confirmed by the committee, they reverted to the status of being illegally in the country.




South Africa is set for visa changes as demand for International travel increases

South Africa is set for visa changes as demand for International travel increases

ECR 04 July 2022

Heavy visa restrictions are now a thing of the past. 

South Africa has seen many of it's Covid-19 restrictions eased, opening up many tight restrictions that were previously already put in place.  

According to BusinessTech, the opening of international borders, the resumption of international flights and a high vaccination rate has contributed to the increase in outbound travel for South Africans. 

VFS Global, the world’s largest visa outsourcing and technology service specialist, has reported an increase in visa applications from South Africa over the last six months. 

Travel destinations like Australia, Canada and Schengen regions are all seeing a positive incline in applications for international travel. 

Some countries accept visa applications up to 90 days before the date of travel. 

International flight well underway for SA citizens.

So be sure to book your Visa way in advance to avoid any complications or long queues. 

You will need your identification card as well as several other documents when applying for a visa.





Here is the Zimbabwean Owner of Park Station Office where Fake SA Documents are Produced.

Here is the Zimbabwean Owner of Park Station Office where Fake SA Documents are Produced.

Twitter – 04 July 2022

When South Africans cry out over unlawful activities often carried out by immigrants in the country, many individuals term them as being xenophobic and unwelcoming towards immigrants in our nation.

The call for the deportation of illegal immigrants being made by South Africans is a genuine one even though the approach might be wrong. Our country has gradually deteriorated to a level that anything can go whether legal or illegal, but we must commend our security operatives for putting in their best to ensure that the country is still inhabitable for citizens.

Meanwhile, it is no longer new that a particular office was raided in Park Station yesterday where mini Home Affairs operations is being carried out. The owner of the place actually engages in manufacturing of fake South African document ranging from SA business permit, South African passport, Visa stamping, residents permit and so on.

However, the picture of the office owner has surfaced online and I think its necessary to bring it to my wonderful readers to see. Before then, it is pertinent to note that he is a Zimbabwean who has issued thousands of fake documents to illegal immigrants to enable them live and work in the country.

He uses illegal stamp in authenticating the documents.



Home Affairs wins big in court: ZEP Zimbabweans CAN be deported…

Home Affairs wins big in court: ZEP Zimbabweans CAN be deported…

The South African – 04 July 2022

View pictures in App save up to 80% data. Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans could be sent back over the border, in just six months’ time – Photo: Chris Robert / Flickr

Home Affairs have welcomed the withdrawal of an application to challenge a controversial ZEP policy being pursued by the ministry. On Friday, it was confirmed that a legal attempt stop over 178 000 Zimbabweans had fallen flat – giving Minister Aaron Motsoaledi a huge boost.

What is the ZEP? Home Affairs in huge court victory

The Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP) was given to tens of thousands of Zimbabweans who fled the country over a decade ago. The deteriorating economic and political situation back in 2008 forced many residents across the border to flee to South Africa.

They were welcomed in under the special ZEP route. However, Aaron Motsoaledi is hellbent on repealing this permit, and wants all Zimbabweans on these visas to reapply for residency through Home Affairs. Needless to say, this has caused an almighty stir.

Protests and criticism have been rife since the policy was announced earlier this year. Zimbabweans were given a grace period of 12 months to get their paperwork in order. Otherwise, by the start of 2023, they could be deported for remaining in Mzansi illegally.

Zimbabweans on ZEP visa ‘face deportation’

There will no doubt be more barriers for Motsoaledi and Home Affairs to come. But, for the meantime, another obstacle has been cleared, and the department will continue to try and enforce a policy that is rooted in contentiousness.

“The Department of Home Affairs welcomes the withdrawal of the application filed in court by African Amity NPC and Zimbabwe Permit Holders Association under case no. 51735/21 on 14 June 2022.” 

“The matter involved the challenge in court of the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs not to extend the exemptions granted to Zimbabweans. Sense seems to have prevailed – and the department’s doors are always open for constructive engagement with Zimbabwean nationals.”

Statement from Home Affairs

[READ] Press statement on the withdrawal of the application launched in the Gauteng division, Pretoria, in connection with the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit — HomeAffairsSA 🇿🇦 (@HomeAffairsSA) July 1, 2022

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