Zimbabwean Governmnet Taking SA Government To Court For Not Renewing Zim Work Permits

Zimbabwean Governmnet Taking SA Government To Court For Not Renewing Zim Work Permits

News Hub Creator 28-07-2022

We know that there are many foreigners living in the country but more than often, Zimbabweans are always the ones who are problematic because they think that they know too much about South Africa, and if it were according to them, they would call themselves South Africans as we know that there are those who are already doing that. Those who are already in the country are fighting so hard to ensure that they remain in the country and those who are in Zimbabwe are fighting to come to South Africa. It is just a battle and South Africans are pushing back.

The Zimbabwean government is now fighting the South African government.

The ANC government has disappointed and sold the people of South Africa because it is because of the ANC that we are having all these kinds of issues. They are now all over the place when they see that South Africans are not giving up the fight against illegal immigration.

As if this was not enough, we are now having the Zimbabwean government that is taking the minister of home affairs to court just because he did not renew the Zim Work Permits. They are trying to interdict him from deporting those Zimbabweans when the time has come, and they have not fixed their documents because those permits are expiring very soon.