Visa Extension South Africa

Visa Extension South Africa

SA Migration |  06 Dec 2022

What is a visa extension?

A SA visa extension is an application to renew your existing visa to extend your stay in South Africa. The visa extension is an entirely new application. Applicants must get the necessary paperwork to submit to VFS who collects the visa applications on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs. A submission for a visa renewal does not mean that you will automatically receive an extension as the Department of Home Affairs will decide to either approve or reject your visa. If your visa has been rejected then you need to follow the visa appeal process South Africa.

Not all visas can be renewed or extended and in this particular scenario, the applicant must leave the country before their visa expires or you might receive a penalty for overstaying in South Africa on an expired visa.

The visas that may not be extended:

  • Corporate Workers Visa.
  • Tourists visas with a condition not being allowed to extend.

Depending on your visa and the conditions attached, you may or may not be allowed to extend it. Temporary residence visas, on the other hand, can be extended and no limit is applied to the number of times you can apply for a renewal.