There Is A New Systen In Place To Prevent Home Affairs Officials To Commit Passport Fraud

There Is A New System In Place To Prevent Home Affairs Officials To Commit Passport Fraud

Opera News | 28 Nov 2022

South Africa has endless problems when it comes to the issue of illegal foreigners who just come as they please into the country. They buy their way into the country and because of the corrupt officials at the department of home affairs, things are just easy for them. South African officials sell out this country for just a few thousand and they forget that tomorrow it will be their children suffering.

But now the minister of home affairs Aaron Motsoaledi seems to think that they have the situation under control when it comes to the issues of illegal foreigners getting documentation in the country when it comes to passports. Ministers seem to have trust in the new system that they have put in place to prevent department officials from committing passport fraud. But we know that these people don't give up easily and along the way, they might just find a way how to cheat the system.

New officials should be employed at the department because these are already compromised. South Africans need to stand up and fight for this country before it vanishes into thin air.