Saudi man wins Home Affairs fight

Saudi man wins Home Affairs fight

Daily Voice – 8 June, 2022

A Saudi Arabian man has finally won a three-year battle against Home Affairs after they unfairly rejected his application for a spousal visa.

Father of two, Nadir Abdul Majeed, 30, says despite being married for three years and being a university graduate, he was not allowed to work or live in South Africa because his visa had been rejected due to administrative bungles.

In January the depressed dad told the Daily Voice how he and his Ottery family were struggling because he could not even enrol for an internship despite having a B.Com degree from Stellenbosch University.

Wife Saarah Jasmin, 25, says they were contacted by attorney Stefanie de Saude Darbandi.

“She was in contact with us before but she needed an advocate to litigate the matter at the High Court.

“She contacted us after the article (was published) and helped us with the paperwork.

“We had to take 300 pages to the police station to get it signed. We were waiting for a court date when we got a call saying there is an outcome.”

The couple was overjoyed when they were told that Nadir’s visa had arrived.

Stefanie, from De Saude Darbandi Immigration Attorneys, says she enlisted the help of Advocate David Simonzs and together they took Nadir’s case to the High Court.

“The application was rejected again for another reason and this was the last appeal.

“We sent a letter to Home Affairs informing them to set aside the ruling or go to court.

“We were contacted by the state attorney who indicated that an outcome was ready and that is when we obtained the visa,” she explains.

She adds: “About 70% of the applications are wrongfully rejected and an application like this costs between R60 000 to R180 000 just to get a High Court date and many cannot afford this.”

Nadir says he is now looking for an internship.

“Right now I am excited and applying for internships at accounting firms so I can help build a better life for my family,” he says