Registration of newborns being hampered by power cuts: Home Affairs

Registration of newborns being hampered by power cuts: Home Affairs

22 May 2023 | SABCNews 

The Department of Home Affairs says rolling blackouts are having a negative impact on the registration of newborn babies, within the stipulated 30-day time frame.

It says the use of generators during power outages is not without challenges.

The department briefed Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on its performance in achieving its targets for the third and fourth quarters of the 2022/2023 financial year.

Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says some of the other challenges faced in the swift registration of births are related to cultural beliefs.

“Now the demand side I am talking about, about social factors that not everybody who is born inside the hospital with the Home Affairs office next door to the labour ward actually register within 30 days and I have seen that practically. Many moms just say look I have gone into labour, suddenly I was rushed into [hospital], I can’t register this child I must go home to consult with the elders about the naming of the child and all those things. I am sure those who understand our culture will understand.”