Portugal: 40% Increase in Number of Golden Visas Granted in November

Portugal: 40% Increase in Number of Golden Visas Granted in November

Schengen info - 28 December, 2022

A total of 40 per cent increase was noted in the number of investments made through the country’s Golden Visa Program, or a 48 per cent year-on-year increase compared to October figures, to 65.5 million euros.

Such figures have been made through the recent report provided by Lusa, taking into account the figures of the Foreigner and Border Service (SEF), SchengenVisaInfo.com reports.

According to a report provided by Portugal News, in November this year, the investments through the country’s Golden Visa scheme reached 65.5 million, or a 40 per cent increase compared to November 2021 data, during which month, 46. 6 million were registered.

At the same time, compared to as of 44.3 million euros recorded in October, investments in November this year surged by 48 per cent.

The data provided by Lusa shows that in the first 11 months of 2022, investments through this program reached 575 million euros or a surge of 37 per cent in comparison to the figures of the same period last year.

It has been reported that the number of Golden Visas granted in November this year by authorities in Portugal is 121, of them 95 for the acquisition of real estate and 26 for the transfer of capital.

Out of the total 1,130 Golden Visas that were granted by authorities in Portugal this year so far, the number of visas issued each month is as follows:

  • January – 94 Golden Visas issued
  • February – 94
  • March – 73
  • April – 121
  • May – 112
  • June – 155
  • July – 80
  • August – 77
  • September – 120
  • October – 83
  • November – 121

The main beneficiaries of Portugal’s Golden Visa scheme last month were citizens of the United States (18 golden visas granted to them), followed by United Kingdom citizens (14), China (13), Brazil (10), as well as South Africa (10).

In November this year, the number of residence permits granted to reunited family members was 138.

The Golden Visa scheme of Portugal is among the most famous schemes of this kind in European countries.

This program permits wealthy internationals to acquire residency in Portugal, provided they make a specific amount of money investment and meet specific conditions.

However, despite the fact that it brings significant contributions to the country’s economic sector, it is often in the media spotlight after reports that it is involved in many unlawful affairs such as corruption and money laundering.

Portugal’s Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, previously announced that the country is considering abolishing such a scheme, however, recently, the Socialist Party voted against the initiative to put an end to this program, despite the previous announcements made in this regard.
