Long Outstanding Permanent Residence – What are my options

Long Outstanding Permanent Residence – What are my options

Legal Action – Class Action vs individual Court Action

Class Action appears cheaper way but has more consequences to applicant than individual court action . Whilst class action hits the newspapers etc it pushes Home Affairs into a corner and they need to deliver against a court deadline a decision but it may not be what you expect . It could be a rejection . For example an older pending application with an expired visa will lead to a rejection .

We choose individual court action , it is not that expensive , Home affairs is not embarrassed in public media and often gives our clients the latitude to update any expired documents and generally the outcome is successful if application is fully compliant .

Contact us for options .

 please contact us on :
Sa Migration International

 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415


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Tel No admin : +27 (0) 64 126 3073
Tel No sales : +27 (0) 74 0366127
Fax No : 086 579 0155

