Germany Reveals Plans to Abolish Travel Warning to Most Countries From Next Month

The German authorities have announced that the country will be lifting its travel warning for most countries previously imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Such a decision was revealed by the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, which announced that the lifting of travel warning will help to bring back normality in the country as the number of citizens who have undergone the COVID-19 vaccination process is continuously increasing.

However, the Minister pointed out that the restrictions will remain in place for all countries where the Coronavirus variants are still widely spread.

The decision to lift pandemic travel warning is expected to be effective from July 1, reports.

“The improvement of the epidemiological situation in Germany and large parts of Europe, the advancing vaccinations and the introduction of the Digital COVID Certificate (DCC) on July 1, 2021, make travel easier. Therefore, the travel warnings will also be adjusted from July 1,” the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads.

In addition, it was announced that countries that have registered 50-200 infection cases per 100,000 residents during the seven last days would no longer be considered as “high incidence areas.

In contrast, the restriction will remain in place for countries registering high numbers of COVID-19 cases.

Currently, Germany’s virus variant areas of countries, also known as countries where mutations are being widely spread and transmitted at a fast rate, include Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Uruguay, and Northern Ireland.

The UK is also placed on the virus variant areas list, meaning that arrivals from the UK are banned from entering Germany due to the high rates of COVID-19 mutations.

All persons who are permitted to enter Germany after staying for more than ten days in a virus variant area must present a negative COVID-19 test result, proof of vaccination, or proof of recovery.

Following the Ministry’s announcement, it was also highlighted that arrivals from the EU/Schengen Area countries and regions, and third countries that are exempted from the travel restrictions, will still be allowed to enter the country without being subject to travel restrictions. Nonetheless, everyone is advised to be exceptionally cautious.

Up to this date, Germany has registered 3,714,969 Coronavirus infection cases and 89,834 deaths. The country has administered at least 60,105,411 COVID-19 vaccine doses, with a rate of around 737,242 doses per day during the last week.