Easiest country to emigrate to from South Africa in 2022

Easiest country to emigrate to from South Africa in 2022

24 April 2022 – Political Analysis  

There are a number of factors to consider when you are deciding on an easy country to emigrate to from South Africa in 2022.


Many South Africans look into emigration opportunities in 2022 and in the years past. No matter what the reasoning behind your decision is, emigration is a big decision and there are various aspects about different destination countries that you will have to consider in order to establish what the easiest option for you would be.

Reasons for migrating

Many South Africans consider emigration a way to find cultural enrichment, a more stable social, political, and economic atmosphere, and because of an overall lack of opportunities in terms of work and education in South Africa.

As much as there are factors about life in South Africa that push some expats away, there are also aspects about life in other countries that seem to pull people from across the globe to those countries. This may include aspects like a safer living environment, a more relaxed lifestyle, and affordable education and health care.

Easiest country to emigrate to from South Africa in 2022

Regardless of what your push or pull factor is for considering migrating to another country, this move will inevitably be a complicated process and you should carefully contemplate the culture of a potential life and lifestyle in the new county that you are moving to.

Some of these considerations are the visa application process, the adjustment to the social and cultural environment, the adjustment to the weather conditions, the general living costs and conditions, the social and municipal systems, and the varying social aspects of day-to-day life in this new country.

There are a number of countries that are popular amongst South African expats for an array of reasons, including the above-mentioned aspects. Some of the countries that are considered relatively easy to move to from South Africa include, but are not limited to:

  • Mauritius
  • The United Kingdom
  • Australia

Moving to Mauritius from South Africa

Mauritius is one of the most popular countries for South Africans to emigrate to. One of the reasons that makes Mauritius an easy choice is the fact that it is so close, in proximity, to South Africa. Mauritius being so close means that you can easily move back-and-forth between the two countries to settle any affairs or even to visit friends and family.

The visa process to emigrate to Mauritius is also fairly simple and there are visa options for South Africans who want to secure their residency permits in Mauritius, such as the new Premium Long-Stay visa and through various investment opportunities.

The Mauritian lifestyle also attracts many retirees, business owners, and workers, because it seemingly offers such a relaxed lifestyle with a growing economy and a beautiful natural landscape.

Moving to the United Kingdom from South Africa

Emigration to the United Kingdom (UK) seems appealing to many South Africans, because the country has excellent education and healthcare systems and is one of the top tourist destinations in the world.

However, when you are not a tourist and if you are considering permanent residency in the UK as a South African, there are a few visa options you can consider, including the Ancestry visa which is easy to apply for if you have a UK-born grandparent, and the Skilled Worker visa which works on a point-based system.

Some factors that make emigration to the UK relatively easy for South Africans is the fact that English is their lingua franca and is spoken just about everywhere in the country. Furthermore, there is a large network of South African expats already living in the UK, which should help you find your feet and adjust once you have emigrated.

Moving to Australia from South Africa

Australia is another country that has become quite popular to emigrate to from South Africa. Once you have moved to Australia, the adjustment should be a fairly easy process, as there is a stable economy, a high quality of life, and, similarly to the UK, a common national language – English. The similar weather conditions and lifestyle also make the adjustment and move from South Africa a lot easier for most people.

There are various methods by which South Africans can go about getting visas to emigrate to Australia, but some of the easiest visas to apply for are the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189), and the Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491).

Final thoughts

Whether there are factors pushing you away from life in South Africa, or factors attracting you to a different country, emigration is a big decision. This is why it is important to consider aspects and cultures of day-to-day life in popular countries such as Mauritius, the UK, and Australia, to determine what the easiest and best-suited option would be for your lifestyle and needs.
