Client illegal for many years – Legalization not an option / Asylum New Comer how to do

Client illegal for many years – Legalization not an option / Asylum New Comer how to do 

There are instances where clients jumped the borders and entered South Africa illegally which means there is no record of them entering South Africa legally which in essence means that the immigration system or movement control system .

Alternatively the client had a valid visa and is illegal say more than 1 year and they dont have a valid reason  , the legalization route or Form 23 option is very slow and with Covid19 many of the Immigration Inspectorate Offices closed and if open which means the client is stuck , if he goes home via a land border he will be banned for 5 years .

The obvious solution would be the Asylum Seeker – New Comer route but the Refugee Centres are all closed for new comers as walk-ins and all extensions for current asylum seekers are done online taking forever to get  .

We have a solution and  have found a way to overcome this problem with an asylum transit permit obtained at a land or air border where they are given 14 days to submit an application for asylum as newcomer . We can assist people to apply for asylum as a new comer online .

The section in the Act is marked below :

  Application for asylum

8. (1) An application for asylum in terms of section 21 of the Act must―

(a) be made in person by the applicant upon reporting to a Refugee Reception Office or on a date allocated to such a person upon reporting to the Refugee Reception Office;

(b) be made in a form substantially corresponding with Form 2 (DHA-1590) contained in the Annexure;

(c) be submitted together with―

(i) a valid asylum transit visa issued at a port of entry in terms of section 23 of the Immigration Act, or under permitted circumstances, a valid visa issued in terms of the Immigration Act;

(ii) proof of any form of a valid identification document: Provided that if the applicant does not have proof of a valid identification document, a declaration of identity must be made in writing before an immigration officer; and

As per 8 (1 ) a where AN Applicant must appear IN PERSON  to renew , but is now done online , the same argument can be used to lodge a new comer asylum application an dwe provide provide proof of such email application , client will be legal in SA and we can do a waiver or exemption to change to temporary residence resolving the matter of the legalization .

Section 12 (2) c) a requirement for the applicant to appear in person for each scheduled appointment; and

Section 12 ( 8) Any extension of an asylum seeker visa must be made at the Refugee Reception Office where the application was submitted.

So if you are undocumented and illegal we can assist you to be legal and renew expired asylum documents

How can we help you , please email us to whatsapp message me on:

 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :


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Tel No landline JHB : +27 (0) 12 880 1490

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