Care Worker wanting to work in the UK?

Care Worker wanting to work in the UK?

SA Migration – 02 Dec 2022

Care workers who want to work in the UK using the Health and Care Worker Visa have a deadline of 15 February 2023 to apply. Find out how Sa Migration can assist you.

Care Workers wanting to work in the UK urged to apply: Image: Adobe stock

Care workers wanting to work in the UK must take heed of the deadline of 15 February 2023 to apply for the UK Health and Care Worker Visa

In February 2022, the UK Government included care workers in the Health and Care Visa route. The announcement was and is still good news for overseas care workers wanting to work in the UK. 

However, carers wanting to apply under this route only have until 15 February 2023 to apply.

The UK Government expanded the Health and Care Visa route to bring relief to the Care Worker industry, as the industry had been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and faced staff shortages and pressures.

How to qualify as a Care Worker under the Health and Care Worker Route

Since 15 February 2022, the Shortage Occupation code 6145 has been on the Shortage Occupation List. The code includes Care Workers and Home Carers and related job titles such as Care Assistant, Care Worker, Carer, Home Care Assistant, Home Carer and Support Worker (Nursing Home). Such workers can thus qualify to apply under the Health and Care Worker Visa.

Private households and individuals (other than sole traders sponsoring someone to work for their business) cannot sponsor Skilled Worker applicants. Home Carers will thus only be able to be sponsored on the route if they are working for an organisation able to meet the sponsorship requirement.

The inclusion of the Care Workers on the Shortage Occupation List stipulates a minimum annual salary. If carers meet this minimum salary, they are eligible for the UK Health and Care Worker Visa.

The good news is that dependents of care workers can apply to accompany the main applicant. More good news is that these types of visas are issued quicker than the normal skilled worker visa. However, there are currently delays at the Home Office due to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. One could therefore expect delays in some cases. 

How Sa Migration can assist you

UK Care Providers who do not have a sponsorship licence in the Skilled Worker Route can contact Sa Migration for assistance to get this in place. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced consultants dealing with Sponsorship Licences.

Unfortunately, care agencies who contract out carers to third parties and do not employ them to work directly will, in all probability, not qualify. However, we highly recommend you speak to one of our consultants to clarify your situation.

Care workers with a job offer are welcome to contact us.