Australia: Home affairs prepare to revamp Australia's immigration system

Australia: Home affairs prepare to revamp Australia's immigration system

Roam Migration Law  15 November 2022

Issues with our immigration system and program are splashed across the media this morning, as Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil says the government is already acting on allegations regarding specific people over the exploitation of the visa system.

“We are already taking action on these individuals,” she told media this morning.

“But I do think there is a need to have a broader look at the way in which the system has been exploited by criminals, and so we will also undertake that work and we’re just working with the government about what’s the best policy process to work through.”

We’ve got to have a really good conversation here, and the migration reform is about looking at, you know, big economic transformations the country needs to make. Because we want to be a high-skill, high-wage economy and the immigration system can help us deliver that.

But we’ve got another very important objective here, which is to make sure we’ve got the caring workforce we need to give dignity in their older age.

O’Neil also said the current skilled migration list isn’t evidence-based.

“The way that you end up with something on the skilled migration list is not based really on whether there’s a skills shortage or not.’