Asylum system in SA is broken and is failing migrants - Amnesty International

Asylum system in SA is broken and is failing migrants - Amnesty International

EWN – 15 April 2022

Mandy Wiener chats to Amnesty International South Africa executive director Shenilla Mohamed on the recent xenophobic attacks.

Amnesty International South Africa says the state is failing South Africans and migrants by not dealing with crime and allowing impunity to continue around xenophobic attacks.

The organisation adds that authorities need to step up and deal with these xenophobic attacks on vulnerable migrants who have become scapegoats for communities unhappy with the levels of crime.

A 2019 reported we released found that the asylum system in South Africa is broken and this has resulted in people living in limbo.

Shenilla Mohamed, Executive director - Amnesty International South Africa

People who have genuinely escaped conflicts are being grouped with economic migrants and are all being treated the same way, she says.

When you find someone without the right papers, it is probably because the asylum system at Home Affairs is not doing what it is supposed to do.

Shenilla Mohamed, Executive director - Amnesty International South Africa