Applying for your Section 11(2) Visitors Visa with Work Conditions

Applying for your Section 11(2) Visitors Visa with Work Conditions

This visa must be applied for abroad in your country of residence. Applications must be logged and processed by the responsible South African Embassy or consulate.

The Section 11 (2) Permits requires an approval letter which is a once off non-renewable permit allowing one to work in South Africa and cannot be changed into another type of permit in South Africa.

Only staff or  employed by a legitimate, registered entity will be granted this type of visa, but every application must be accompanied by a comprehensive explanation as to why the worker is needed to conduct short term work and here we will guide you in this process

We have done in excess of 1500 of these visas

The document must also be supported by a motivational letter from the applicant detailing why they are needed in South Africa and what the nature of their visit will be.

Note the Act allows for 1 extension for a maximum of 3 months whereupon applicant has to return to country of application or residence , ie you get 6 months and upon return home you can apply again and the process will repeat itself

Who does not qualify for a Section 11 Visitors Permit “Work Authorisations”?

In our experience it is however advisable to consult a professional immigration consultant such as SA Migration should you be unsure of which visa best suite your needs or if the visa bearer might need more than 90 days to conclude their business.

According to the South African Department of Home Affairs this type of visa will not be issued to the following occupations:

- Self-employed persons
- Contract Workers
- Exotic Dancers
- Project Management Workers
- Casual Labourers
- Seasonal Labourers
- Work Seeking Persons

Validity and Processing Times of the Section 11 (2) Visitors Permit

This visa expires 90 days after being issued and in our experience this visa is mostly processed within 30 days.

Note the Act allows for 1 extension for a maximum of 3 months whereupon applicant has to return to country of application or residence , ie you get 6 months and upon return home you can apply again and the process will repeat itself

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 +27 82 373 8415, where are you now? check our website :


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 Whatsapp  Tel No : +27 (0) 82 373 8415


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