Action SA Unravel a Warehouse where Fake Permits, Visas, Passports are Produced in Palmridge.

Action SA Unravel a Warehouse where Fake Permits, Visas, Passports are Produced in Palmridge.

Opera News = 25-01-2021

ActionSA is one of the group engaging in this operation aimed at stopping illegal businesses owned by foreigners from operating in South Africa.

In one of the operation, ActionSA visited a warehouse situated in Palmridge where immigrants produce and sell fake South African documents.

Some of the documents found in the custody of the business owners include Visas, different types of permit documents, business operation permit, municipality permits, birth certificates etc.

This will definitely serve as a deterrent to individuals who undermine our local laws and also ensure that documentation fraud is reduced to its barest minimum.

Local authorities should augment this operation so that rule of law will be restored in our communities.

According to a statement released by ActionSA via its official Twitter handle:

"One such business is a warehouse in Palmridge that has been illegally producing documents such as passports, visa/permit documents, business operation permits and Municipal permits!

The matter is receiving special attention from the MMC, Councillor and City officials."