Germany Reveals Plans to Abolish Travel Warning to Most Countries From Next Month

The German authorities have announced that the country will be lifting its travel warning for most countries previously imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Such a decision was revealed by the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, which announced that the lifting of travel warning will help to bring back normality in the country as the number of citizens who have undergone the COVID-19 vaccination process is continuously increasing.

However, the Minister pointed out that the restrictions will remain in place for all countries where the Coronavirus variants are still widely spread.

The decision to lift pandemic travel warning is expected to be effective from July 1, reports.

“The improvement of the epidemiological situation in Germany and large parts of Europe, the advancing vaccinations and the introduction of the Digital COVID Certificate (DCC) on July 1, 2021, make travel easier. Therefore, the travel warnings will also be adjusted from July 1,” the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads.

In addition, it was announced that countries that have registered 50-200 infection cases per 100,000 residents during the seven last days would no longer be considered as “high incidence areas.

In contrast, the restriction will remain in place for countries registering high numbers of COVID-19 cases.

Currently, Germany’s virus variant areas of countries, also known as countries where mutations are being widely spread and transmitted at a fast rate, include Botswana, Brazil, Eswatini, India, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Uruguay, and Northern Ireland.

The UK is also placed on the virus variant areas list, meaning that arrivals from the UK are banned from entering Germany due to the high rates of COVID-19 mutations.

All persons who are permitted to enter Germany after staying for more than ten days in a virus variant area must present a negative COVID-19 test result, proof of vaccination, or proof of recovery.

Following the Ministry’s announcement, it was also highlighted that arrivals from the EU/Schengen Area countries and regions, and third countries that are exempted from the travel restrictions, will still be allowed to enter the country without being subject to travel restrictions. Nonetheless, everyone is advised to be exceptionally cautious.

Up to this date, Germany has registered 3,714,969 Coronavirus infection cases and 89,834 deaths. The country has administered at least 60,105,411 COVID-19 vaccine doses, with a rate of around 737,242 doses per day during the last week.


Our original sin at Home Affairs is the IT system, says Minister Aaron Motsoaledi

Cape Town - The Department of Home Affairs is working with the Treasury to get exemption from having to use the State Information Technology Agency (Sita) for its online services to solve its IT problems.

The exemption would allow the department to source IT services privately.

Minister Aaron Motsoaledi revealed this in response to a query from provincial premier and constitutional committee chairperson Ricardo Mackenzie during a debate at the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

Motsoaledi said: “Our original sin at Home Affairs is the IT system. Every day when I go to work, this is the original sin I am trying to resolve.

“We did away with the manual system and introduced the live capture system about eight years ago.

“We are going to make inroads because we have actually identified why for instance the SA Revenue Service (Sars) doesn’t suffer from systems down like we do. We have actually identified it is because Sars has been exempted from getting these services through Sita. We are working with the Treasury to do the same.”

Mackenzie said that communities across the Western Cape were continuing to experience slow and poor service delivery from Home Affairs.

“Community members of my constituency in Mitchells Plain brought a number of issues including consistent errors in ID documents, loss of documentation by the department and delays in issuing visas and processing residency for foreign nationals.”

He also said that the retention/refugee letters issuing section of Home Affairs had yet to reopen since it was closed in March last year and that this meant people were often incorrectly being deemed illegal in this country.

Mackenzie said he would continue to monitor the situation and would hold Motsoaledi to his word.

Earlier in the year Parliament’s portfolio committee on home affairs also said it was disappointed in the department’s failure to resolve its IT challenges.

The committee said it was concerned that the IT issues continue to hamper the department’s ability to deliver quality services and that the long queues at the department’s offices pose a high risk of being Covid-19 super-spreader sources.

VFS Global issues update on visa application services in India

VFS Global, the visa outsourcing and technology services company, has issued an update on visa application services in India. Due to the lockdown/curfew restrictions announced in some states, select visa applications centres are temporarily closed in certain cities.

Information about visa application centres listed in the below table is as of June 9 2021.

Note: Air travel on all routes is subject to government advisories and permissions for air travel may be independent of the visa process.


Visa Categories



South Africa


All visa categories

New Delhi – Opens on 10 June 2021

Kolkata – Opens on 15 June 2021

Opening on 15 June 2021

Business, Employment, Study and Family Visitor visas





“As this information is fluid and being updated regularly, please visit the country-specific websites on for the most updated information. Real time updates are also posted on our social media channels and the Covid-19 customer advisories page,” reads an official statement by VFS Global.

Owing to the suspension of our services in Bhopal, Coimbatore, Gurugram, Lucknow, Goa and Thiruvananthapuram, customer requirement can be serviced through Visa At Your Doorstep service.

VFS Global has established standardised protective measures to be followed across centres, including physical distancing and sanitisation, body temperature checks, use of masks and sanitisers, disinfecting high-contact surfaces. Customers with Covid-19 symptoms, including high fever, cough and difficulty in breathing will not be permitted to enter the centre.



Processing times for Temporary Residence visas

According to VFS, there is a backlog of applications at Home Affairs' Head Office, so we are seeing applications from November and December 2020 being finalised at the moment (during May 2021). Some visa submitted during 2021 have been processed and finalised. It appears that Covid has placed restrictions on the staff numbers, and the number of pending applications has increased.  

New Permanent Residence applications on hold

New Permanent Residence applications are not being accepted at VFS at the moment, and VFS has indicated that this is on the instructions of Home Affairs.

It is irregular in South African law for active statutes to be suspended without reason. The law has not been amended and the Constitutional rights of individuals to submit and expect to be granted Permanent Residence, if they meet all of the legal requirements. We are taking legal advice on this state of affairs.

We have formally asked the Minister for reasons for this situation, and we await a response. We will keep you posted.

Covid Visa Update: Gazette issued 26 March 2021

•            All holders of Tourist Visas and 11(2) visas which expired during Lockdown are automatically extended till 30 June 2021;

•             Those of our clients in possession of long-term TRVs which expired during Lockdown do not enjoy an automatic extension, but they have a grace period up until 31 July to submit their complete Extension/Change of Status applications. If they cannot provide all documents for an Extension or Change application, they must apply for an 11(1). Beyond that date they will be considered illegal' because they don’t have a valid visa or a VFS receipt proving they have a pending application;

•             Clients who entered RSA on/after 15 March 2021 or those who received their Visas after 15 March 2021 do not enjoy any automatic extensions.


Please note that most of the regular Civic Services (births, marriages, deaths, passports) and visa services are being rendered again under Level 1.

The new service for online refugee and asylum permit renewals, has commenced during May 2021.


10 things you should know before travelling in Africa

Africa is home to stunning landscapes, culture, cuisine and friendly people. Clinton Moodley chats with travel agency owner Jennifer Morris about what travellers embarking on a trip to another African country need to know.

She shares 10 things you should know before travelling in Africa:


Your passport needs to be valid at least six months after your date of return. If it isn’t, renew it before you depart.

Visa requirements

While many African countries allow visa-free travel for South Africans, some destinations require a visa to enter. Check all visa requirements with a travel professional when booking your trip as it can take a few weeks to obtain one in some destinations. People travelling on a European or UK passport may pay additional visa costs.

Health and safety requirements

When travelling during the pandemic, travellers need to be mindful of a country’s vaccination requirements and health advisories. Morris said it’s best to speak to a travel professional.

“You may need a yellow fever vaccination certificate, or you may be entering a region with high malaria or dengue fever risks. Preparation is key to ensure that you are safe throughout the trip,” she said.


When driving overland, do ample research on road conditions, speed limits and borders.

Morris explained: “A distance of 200km may only take 2 hours on a tarred highway, but could take half a day’s driving if the road is bad or the speed limits are very low.

Take note of refuelling stops and find out if you need a 4x4 vehicle or not.

You may need to get an international driver’s licence permit through the AA before you are allowed to hire a car in your destination country. Conducting research will ensure the journey runs smoothly.”

Travel insurance

Comprehensive travel insurance is a requirement. Morris advised that travellers should get insurance that covers medical evacuations. “This is absolutely non-negotiable when travelling in Africa,” she said.

Customs and traditions

Morris advised travellers to check on the customs and traditions of the country before they visit.

“Some countries have a low tolerance on homosexuality, for example, or may have modest dress requirements for women in public.

“Don’t assume that the benefits enjoyed by South Africans follow you when you travel elsewhere. Be mindful of laws and customs in your destination country,” she explained.

Ask before you drink the tap water

Ask whether it is safe to consume water in a particular country.

Most countries in Africa advise against this for foreigners.

Wash all fruit and vegetables bought in stores and markets thoroughly before eating them. Purchase bottled water for peace of mind.


Research your destination’s transport offerings. “Whether by taxi, train or tuk-tuk, experiencing an African city the same way the locals do is often much cheaper than hiring a car or an Uber.

It is often the best way to have a more authentic experience,” said Morris.

Book a local guide

Not only will booking a local guide promote the local economy, but they will also share some hidden gems with you.

“If you’re travelling to a place you’ve never been before, it may be a good idea to hire a local guide for the first few days.

“Your guide will show you places and organise experiences that the guidebooks won’t tell you about, and they will know the quickest way to get to places.

“They’ll also give you a fascinating insight into the history and culture of your destination,” Morris explained.

Weather forecast

Check the dates and months of travel as some countries experience harsh weather during certain times of the year.