Which countries can South Africans work in without a visa?

Which countries can South Africans work in without a visa?

Pollical Analysis – 07 September 2022

Many South Africans are grasping at the opportunity to work abroad given the lack of employment in the country, work permits, and visas, which are likely mandatory requirements.

Employment in South Africa is in a dire state and many citizens have never worked a day in their lives. South Africa is in an employment crisis and the state of the economy has not made it any easier, as many companies cannot afford to employ citizens or keep employees.

Unemployment can be especially difficult in a country where you can be fully qualified but struggle to get a job. Circumstances like these have led to many South Africans resorting to seeking opportunities outside of the country, for a better means of life and financial security.

Working outside of South Africa

Due to the country’s crisis and struggle to improve the state of the employment crisis, many South Africans are seeking job opportunities outside of the country. A large number of South Africans have secured employment opportunities in countries overseas, whether these are remote while they are living in South Africa, or by relocating to the country of employment.

The process of emigrating to another country for work is long and needs thorough preparation, so many South African citizens looking for employment overseas will have questions. Especially regarding the importance of visas and work permits and whether there are countries where South Africans can work without a visa.

Which countries can South Africans work in without a visa?

There are a little over 100 countries that South Africans can travel to without a visa to enter that country. These countries generally allow South Africans to enter without a visa, but only for set periods of time. For instance, if a South African visits Argentina, they are permitted to stay in the country without a visa for a maximum of 90 days. However, this only applies to South Africans who are visiting for leisurely travel purposes, not for work.

If a South African has secured employment in another country, then it is likely that they will need a work visa or work permit. This is because unlike visiting, working in a foreign country often requires an extended stay, which then makes it mandatory for a South African to have a visa that allows them to work in that country. Even when it comes to visa-free countries, South Africans should never assume that they can stay beyond their allowance period for work and should ensure that they inquire about whether they need them to apply for a work visa or work permit to remain in a country for work purposes.

How can South Africans successfully secure work overseas?

To be successful in your search for employment overseas and actually move abroad, you need to possess the necessary skills or qualifications to secure your work permit for the job in that country. The key lies in what you can offer that deems you qualified for the job, more than the own country’s prospective candidates. Without the adequate skills and degree(s), it may be difficult for any employer to help you get a working permit. Being the perfect person for the job opens up greater opportunities for sponsorship and securing a work permit.

Countries that allow South Africans to work on a digital nomad visa

Some South Africans work remotely for companies overseas, but they are also travelling a lot for extended periods. Remote work opportunities made it a bit easy for some people to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic but with travel open again, many started working remotely while traveling.

Certain countries allow South Africans to live abroad while working.



The Bahamas

  • Offers an extended stay visa for one year
  • A mandatory visa is needed on top of the digital nomad visa
  • Employment proof should be presented
  • Payment of R17 000 is needed for the digital nomad visa


  • Live and work in the country for one year under the new virtual working programme
  • Submit proof of employment of R85 000 per month
  • Have valid health insurance


  • Live in the country for up to two years under the independent contractor visa
  • Provide proof of business outside of Norway
  • Applicants must be earning at least R610 000 annually


  • Premium visa for long stays is offered
  • Stay up to one year and renew at no cost
  • Applicants do not enter the Mauritian labour market and income and profits should remain outside the country
  • Supply documentary evidence with the application

Countries that South Africans can enter for a visa free period


Time period


30 days


six months

Costa Rica

90 days

Dominican Republic

90 days

Hong Kong

90 days


30 days


180 days

