"South Africans do not want the jobs that are being performed by immigrants" says Athandiwe Saba.

"South Africans do not want the jobs that are being performed by immigrants" says Athandiwe Saba.

Twitter – 27 May 2022

No matter where you talk about the lack of jobs that South Africans are facing or the skyrocketing crime rate, the bottom line is that the words "illegal" and "immigrant" will come up. There are a large number of people from other countries who are here without proper documentation and are competing with citizens for everything; jobs; service delivery; and are also involved in crimes such as pickpocketing, cash transit heists, and ATM bombing, which are negatively affecting the economy of this country. View pictures in App save up to 80% data.

According to Athandiwe Saba's tweet: "Despite claims that foreigners are taking jobs, research has found evidence to the contrary." "We also discovered during our research that South Africans generally do not want jobs performed by migrants, such as hairdressing." She continued.

 People in the comments section were outraged by the research findings, with some asking who was doing that kind of job before the foreigners arrived. Of course, it was the locals, and they are still out there looking for work, but they are having no luck because the positions have already been filled by foreign nationals.

Employers hire illegal immigrants for a variety of reasons, the most notable of which is that they are known to be inexpensive, allowing employers to save a significant amount of money by hiring them. Another reason is that they are unable to register with unions, making them an easy target for unfair treatment in the workplace.

 Below are some of the comments from the people on Twitter:

"Despite your claims that South Africans don't want those jobs, we did research and discovered that every company that employs foreign nationals has CV's belonging to South Africans, e.g. Engen, Wimpy, etc," a Twitter user says. .

 Let's start with who did the research. The fact that South Africans have CV's does not imply that they did not want the jobs; the company may reject SAns by claiming they are not skilled when they apply and instead hire foreign nationals. What are the reasons for South African CVs being overlooked? " A Twitter user stated.
